Please help with the second part of my homework please?What context clues helped you determine the meaning of the idiom “(to) put a positive spin on”?

A. “Chang-­bo’s job was to report business stories.”

B. “He had good reason to scoff at the report about the rubber boots.”

C. “Chang-­bo knew better than anyone that the supposed triumphs of the North Korean economy were fabrications.”

D. “By the time they were edited by his superiors in Pyongyang, however, any glimmer of the truth was gone.”

This book is called "Nothing To Envy".

here is a little bio that might help with the answer

hang-­bo’s job was to report business stories. He toured collective farms, shops, and factories with a notebook and tape recorder, interviewing the managers. Back in the newsroom, he would write his stories in fountain pen (there were no typewriters) about how well the economy was doing. He always put a positive spin on the facts, although he tried to keep them at least plausible. By the time they were edited by his superiors in Pyongyang, however, any glimmer of the truth was gone. Chang-­bo knew better than anyone that the supposed triumphs of the North Korean economy were fabrications. He had good reason to scoff at the report about the rubber boots.


Answer 1




Answer 2



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The Alchemist is the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist.


9. We saw an interesting documentary on ...... life.a. saline
b. canine
c. maritime
d. marine

10. Teenagers are often more likely to be influenced
by their ...... than their elders.
a. peers
b. subjects
c. loners
d. adolescents



9. d 10. a


Marine life refers to ocean life

Teenagers are more likely to listen to other teens than elders

We saw an interesting documentary on Marinelife.

Teenagers are often more likely to be influenced by their peers than their elders.

In Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich, for what reasons does Gerasim help Ivan Ilyich in any way he can? Gerasim knows that all people die, and he hopes that someone else will help him in the same way. Gerasim's parents told him to show kindness to strangers, and he has always respected their words. Ivan Ilyich ordered Gerasim to tend to him, and Gerasim always obeys his master's orders. Gerasim feels sorry for his master, and he wants to show Ivan Ilyich some compassion. Ivan Ilyich offered to pay for Gerasim's schooling, so he wants to show his gratitude.



Gerasim knows that all people die, and he hopes that someone else will help him in the same way.

Ivan Ilyich ordered Gerasim to tend to him, and Gerasim always obeys his master's orders.


Loe Tolsty's novella "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" tells the story of a prominent person, a high court judge who suffered from a terminal illness and eventually died. His servant's approaches to life and that of the high class people is shown in this story.

Gerasim is the servant of the Ilyich household, taking special care of his sick master. From the start of the story, we are told that Gerasim is a sympathetic man, genuinely interested in the welfare of others, treating them equally and with respect and humility. He has no differentiated approaches to the various characters, rich or old. To him, they are all the same. With his master's illness, he is the only character in the story who views the inevitability of death as common for everyone. He knows that all will die and he also hopes to be treated the same way he has taken care of his  master. Also, he was ordered by Ivan to obey his orders, which cements his obedience and loyalty to his work.

Answer:. Ivan Ilyich ordered Gerasim to tend to him, and Gerasim always obeys his master's orders. for this is the only one that really makes sence


Is time files when you are having fun a metaphor


Hi the answer is yes , time flies when you are having fun is a metaphor.

Does ice cream truck have to be capitalize?


No it does not because it is not the name of a person place or thing. If it was a brand, it would be capitalized, but it is not.

Which of the following is an important rule regarding colon usage


Colons denote "that is to say" or"here's what I mean." They make sentences’first parts not important rather the sentence’s second part contains theimportant information. Here are some of the rules you could use for colons:

*Colons are uses upon introducing items.

*Do not use capital letters after a colon except if it’sa proper noun.

*Do not use colons after a verb or preposition.

*For independent clauses, especially when the secondsentence explains the paragraph’s meaning, the use of colon is preferred.

*After a colon: capitalize the first letter of thefirst word if it is a complete quotation.