How can the excessive use of fertilizers effect biodiversity if it is washed into the river


Answer 1
Answer: We know that fertilizier could promote the growth of the plant

When washed to the river, it will accelerate the growth of the water plant that exist within that area,
This occurrence will be not beneficial to the water animal because their habitat will be unnaturally blocked by these plants

hope this helps

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In this case, the growth of pea plants depends on different types of fertilizer. So, the growth of pea plants is the dependent variable and different type of fertilizer is the independent variable.

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B) 8
C) 16
D) 32
E) 64


The answer is B) 8.

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Aa - 2: A or a;
Bb - 2: B or b;
CC - 1: D;
Dd - 2: D or d;
EE - 1: E.
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