Select the piece of evidence from "Shadow of the Pines" that best supports the answer to part A.


Answer 1


Explanation: Mr Hernandez’s inability to climb trees frightens him because bear are good climbers

Answer 2

Final answer:

To find the best piece of evidence in 'Shadow of the Pines', choose something within the story that strengthens or makes your Part A answer more believable like a direct character quote or event in the plot.


Without the specific content from the story 'Shadow of the Pines', it is impossible to accurately answer your query. However, I can guide you on how to choose the best piece of evidence. When you read the text, look for parts of the story that directly support or relate to part A.

This could be a direct quote from a character, a narrative description, or an event in the plot. Once you find this piece of evidence, be sure that it clearly supports your answer to part A. Here 'supports' means it strengthens your answer or makes it more believable.

Learn more about Selecting Evidence here:


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English subject class 9​

30 points
The question is below, answer ASAP please


I believe it is DAEBC! Hope that helps ah♡

I like getting long letters.





Here is your letter


Hi you!

You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. But that is totally ok!

My name is Harmonie, and most likely, I am not in the same position in life as you. But we have something in common: in this time we probably both miss our loved ones.

My family is all overseas, in the Netherlands, and I was supposed to go visit them last week, after not seeing them for a year and a half. Naturally, I was super bummed to have to cancel my trip.

Now, I could have wallowed in that loss, and let it affect me and my activities this week. But I am not a victim, and I don’t want to let my emotions dictate my actions.

So I started looking at the positive things this situation has brought me –. I talk to my mom more, just to catch up – as well as my sisters. Yesterday, I got to record a crafting video that will help bring some kids joy and a way to express themselves! I would for sure not have thought to do that if March had gone the way I planned it.

All this to say – I hope you get to see some silver linings in this uncertain time. Any small shimmer can give us the hope to move forward!

And if you can’t right now – that is ok. Nobody can blame you. I just hope this little note brings you a little joy

I just want to encourage you today in this crazy time we are living!

I came across this poem today, and I thought I’d share it with you today!

” When things start to feel

Like things should have

Been better this year,

Remember the mountains and valleys

That got you here.

They are not accidents,

And those moments weren’t in vain

You are not the same.

You have grown and you are growing

You are breathing, you are living.

You are wrapped in




And things will get better.

There is more to you than yesterday”

– Morgan Harper Nichols

I don’t know your situation right now, but just know you are not alone. There is someone thinking of you.


Read the following information about the poet Nazim Hikmet and answer the question.Nazim Hikmet was a Turkish poet who was a political prisoner in his country for many years. (See "Nazim Hikmet: Selected Poetry" Persea Books, NY:1986)

Which of the following best describes his poem’s ("It’s This Way") cultural perspective?

A It reflects a soulful humanistic theme.
B It exposes a radical governmental theme.
C It challenges a vague southern European theme.
D It draws attention to a universal artistic theme.


The correct answer is option letter A. The poem “It’s This Way” by the Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet reflects a soulful humanistic theme. After facing several incidents in his life, such as his imprisonment, Hikmet traveled from Turkey to Romania and then moved to Russia. While he lived there, he thought about a different poetry, a new kind of poetry. Hikmet changed his attitude towards human relations and events and humanism became one of the characteristics of his works. The poet included some basic concerns of people such as the meaning of life, death, and sadness. In the poem “It’s This Way”, Hikmet expresses his desire for living and not giving up his principles by keeping the focus on the future, even though his life is complicated. A clear example of this idea of living is expressed in the following clauses: “being captured is beside the point, the point is not to surrender”.

SOLVE THE PUZZLE:You arrive to the house in the pitch black, and you know at this point that there is no

turning back. You know right away that there are many frights in store, but everyone is counting on you to walk through that door!

What’s the combination? (It’s shapes)



123, ABC, 00000




You arrive to the house in the pitch black, and you know at this point that there is no  turning back. You know right away that there are many frights in store, but everyone is counting on you to walk through that door!

The combination of the story is 00000.

Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? What is the meaning of the word supinely as it is used in this selection?



marked by or showing lethargy, passivity, or blameworthy indifference


Supine means, among other things, 'exhibiting passivity'; therefore, 'lying supinely' would be correctly defined as 'showing lethargy, passivity, or blameworthy indifference'.

The supporting evidence in the text:

The phrase lying supinely on our backs is linked by the coordinating conjunction and, (which is used to join equal ideas), to the following: hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot. It definitely suggests passivity and indifference.  

Read the text Insert true or false
Pleat for now ​



2) X

3) Correct


5) Correct

6) Correct


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. True