The church supported the crusades because


Answer 1

Answer: C. non-Christians were an immediate threat to the stability of the church.


By the time Pope Urban called for the first Crusade in 1095, the Muslim armies had occupied a lot of territory both in Europe and in the Holy Land including Jerusalem.

Pope Urban felt it was the Church's duty to protect the land and people of Christendom from non-Christians whom he viewed as threats to the stability of the church. The other crusades as well were also called as Popes believed that they were necessary to protect Christian stability.

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Answer: It is an international passenger airline that is head quartered in Atlanta




the one above me is correct it is a


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i think it’s all of the above




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exchange of goods , ecchange of information become faster than before

Answer:B. an increased availability of goods and services


According to the supreme​ court, at pretrial release hearings the accused enjoys the right​ to:


According to the Supreme Court, in the preventive release hearings the accused enjoys the right to be out of jail, while his case is pending. A bond is a contract in which a defendant pays to get out of jail.

In preventite release hearings, they focus more on the general conditions of bail to ensure certain objectives while the defendant is on bail. These pretrial objectives may include protecting the community from the crime, ensuring the safety of the victim and ensuring the appearance of the accused at later dates in court.

The success or lack of success of a defendant can influence the decision of a judge later during the sentence.

 The Preliminary hearing is a trial before the trial, a mini-trial and the person being accused of a crime, the defendant, has the right to a lawyer. The trial will happen only if the judge arrives to the conclusion that a crime was really committed by the defendant. Until then he can be under the right of the Presumption of Innocence.

1. Describe how sumer met the three critical of a civilization. Use specific examples write down__________2. How did the geography of a Mesopotamia contribute to the development of early civilization there? _________________
3. describe the three principal ways civilization spreads from one region to another. Type the answer please_____________



Below on explanation


1. Summer helped crops grow and gave people vitamins.

2. Geography in Mesopotamia helped it to flourish because hills gave them an advantage in wars they had. *This is an inference*

3. The religion got popular so people wanted to partake in it.

Please help with this.


Answer: A. Many Ethnic Albanians lost their homes


In the Kosovo Conflict of 1998 - 1999 that saw Serbia go up against Kosovo which was a region that it claimed, hundreds of thousands of Ethnic Albanians fled the country and even though some came back, many lost their homes.

The Serbian leadership as well as many Serbs did not like that Albanians numbered so much in Kosovo because Albanians were Muslims and Serbians were Christians majorly. Kosovo to Serbia is a sacred place and so the leadership of Serbia wanted as few Albanians there as possible.