Which statement best describes a difference between a political system in ancient Greece and Europe


Answer 1


The CORRECT answer is Ancient Greece was more reflective of the philosophy of direct democracy.


I got it correct and got a 100% on my quiz!

Hopefully this helps!

Answer Information:

Class: United States Government

Name of Quiz: Types of Democracies

Assignment Number: 1.2.5

Answer 2


D) Ancient Greece was more reflective of the philosophy of direct democracy


Feudalism in the Holy Roman Empire was a politico-economic policy of relationships among liege lords and enfeoffed vassals that made the base of the social structure within the Holy Roman Empire during the High Middle Ages. Greek cities set up democracies, most following the Athenian model, but none are as well documented as Athens. It was a policy of direct democracy, in which participating citizens voted quickly on law and executive bills.

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Six months ago Zach made his first bungee jump. Before he jumped, he was intensely terrified. But when he completed the jump he felt relieved. After many jumps Zach feels only a mild amount of fear when he prepares to jump and feels intense elation both during and after the jump. This phenomenon can best be explained by the ______________ theory.


The correct answer is opponent-process

Explanation:  Solomon's Opponent Process Theory suggests that emotional reactions to a stimulus are followed by opposite emotional reactions.

This theory may explain why people like their stunt work. First, the individual will feel intense anxiety before performing a move and then the person will receive an opposite reaction of relief after the feat is completed.

Final answer:

Zach's experiences can be best explained by the two-factor theory of emotion or Schachter-Singer theory, which states that emotions consist of both physiological and cognitive factors. So, over time, Zach's interpretation of his physiological response to bungee jumping changed from fear to elation. Also, the concept of habituation explains Zach's decreasing fear of repeated jumps.


The phenomenon that Zach is experiencing can be best described by the two-factor theory of emotion, also known as the Schachter-Singer theory. According to this theory, emotions are composed of two factors: physiological and cognitive. When Zach made his first bungee jump, his body responded with intense physiological arousal (fear), but after several jumps, his cognitive perception of the situation changed. Now, he labels his arousal as anticipation or excitement, thereby leading to elation both during and after the jump.

The important factor in the two-factor theory is the labeling of the physiological experience, a type of cognitive appraisal. This theory is predicated on the idea that the same physiological arousal can be interpreted differently depending on the context and the individual's cognitive appraisal of the situation. So what was initially a terrifying experience for Zach has now become an exhilarating one due to his changing cognitive appraisal of the situation.

Also to note is habituation, where the response to a stimulus decreases over time with repeated exposure. Zach’s fear reduced over time as he became accustomed to the jump, this is a common response to repeated exposure to any initially stressful or frightening situation.

Learn more about the Two-Factor Theory of Emotion here:



The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was introduced into Congress every year between 1923 and 1972, but never has been added to the Constitution. Which part of the amendment process has not been met in order for this amendment to become part of the U.S. Constitution? A) Certification by the President
B) Adoption at a national convention of legislatures
C) Ratification by three-fourth of the state legislatures
D) Proposal of the amendment to both the Senate and House of Representatives


The answer is C) Ratification by the three-fourth of the state legislatures.

the answer is C) Ratification by three-fourth of the state legislatures

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Which of the following do both Kant and Rawls support?a) Individual rights should be protected insofar and as long as doing so maximizes overall happiness.b) Human beings do not have the capacity for reason/rationality.c) What is just or right is prior to and independent of any particular conception of the good life.d) The good is prior to and independent of what is just or right.e) a) and d)


What is just or right is prior to and independent of any particular conception of the good life.

Thus, the correct option is C.

What is good life?

When referring to mental or emotional states, happiness is any positive or pleasurable feeling, from contentment to ecstatic delight.

Other types include eudaimonia, thriving, subjective well-being, life satisfaction, and well-being.

The pursuit of happiness, as defined by Thomas Jefferson and Aristotle, is the second one, which is eudaemonia, the good life. They did not mean to giddily smile a lot. Aristotle discusses the benefits of thoughtful reflection and enjoyable discourse.

Positive experiences, positive individual characteristics, and positive institutions are the three main pillars of positive psychology.

The excellent life, according to Aristotle, is a happy life. Happiness, he claimed, "is the whole aim and end of human existence, the meaning and purpose of life."

According to Epicurus, the secret to living well is avoiding pain, refraining from pointless wants, and being appreciative of your blessings.

Learn more about good life, here






The correct answer is "What is just or right is prior to and independent of any particular conception of the good life."