In asking Congress to declare war, Wilson said, “The world must be made safe for democracy.” This statement suggests that Wilson wanted to go to war because _______. a. he wanted to help design the peace settlement
b. he had grown tired of pushing for progressive reforms
c. he didn’t want to appear cowardly in the eyes of the voters
d. he wanted normal trade and business to be resumed


Answer 1
Answer: Hello!

Wilson want to justify the entry in war by defending the world peace, letter a)

Answer 2

Answer: a. he wanted to help design the peace settlement.

The design of the peace settlement of World War I, also known as the Treaty of Versailles, was greatly influenced by Wilson. His doctrine of the "Fourteen Points" was reflected in the eventual language and provisions of the treaty. Both the drafting of the treaty, and the participation in the war, were motivated by Wilson's desire to spread democracy all over the world. Wilson believed this was the right method to bring the world back to safety and encourage a world order in which democratic rule could thrive.

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C: to help people immediately and provide them with



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 I´m pretty sure its  A.) Centipede                      

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B, the expression of loyalty or support for a particular region of one's country rather than the country as a whole.

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1 is the right answer. Many southern European countries were under the control of Islam. The caliphate of Cordoba in Spain for instance. Or the caliphate of Sicily...this allowed Islamic teachings to reach the European mainland. Venetians traded with oriental countries a lot...that's how the fork got imported 

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Commentaries on the Laws of England

Two Treatises of Government by John Locke

Magna Carta

Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith


The Founders borrowed the ingredients needed to formulate the best solution to the toxins of anarchy and dictatorship, from many distinct sources. There are several prominent personalities whose books and treatises founding fathers of the U.S have studied and assimilated in society. These works formed the basis of organized rational work which emphasized the ideas of equality, liberty, self-government, economic freedom, etc. on which the country stands today.