How did mcculloch v. maryland affect the separation of powers in the united states?it established the power of the federal decided that the federal government cannot tax established the power of state allowed state governments to overrule the federal government.


Answer 1
Answer: It established the power of the federal governemnt.
Answer 2

established the power of federal gov

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In the United States, potential jury members are notified of their duty by


In the United States, potential jury members are notified of their duty by a "summons".

Jury duty alludes to the obligation of each and any individual chose in America to be a juror on a court case. The American legal framework's requirement for conventional natives to hear a court case and choose the blame or blamelessness of the denounced is a central right and how our framework functions.  

You get a notice via mail that you are summoned to be a hearer and you should react to the court on the off chance that you can not go to for any reason. Whenever picked to be a legal hearer, you wind up one of twelve normal residents who make up a the jury. It is yours and the other jury individuals occupation to watch the preliminary, take notes, see proof exhibited and hear all contentions from every lawyer.

The potential jury members are notified of their duty by the so-called summons, which is a letter typically featuring the headline of "Summons for a Jury Dury".

When a person has received such as letter, it is typically called that such a person has been "summoned".

Compared to other industrialized nations, the United States ranks ______ in voter participation. a. near the bottom
b. in the top quarter
c. among the very highest
d. in the middle
e. about the same as most western European nations



a. near the bottom


Voter turnouts refers to the number of eligible voters who actually votes during election. Out of 32 Industrialized nations, United States ranked 26th in terms of voter turnout's number.

On average , United States only have around 55% of voter turnouts. For comparison, UK has the average of 76% voter turnout and Germany has around 83% voter turnout.

I want to know about the future of the universe. I should study _____.


I would recommend studying cosmology.

Cosmology is a sub-field of physics that is concerned with the Universe, its beginning, changes, law operating on it and its possible end- and the latter is what is interesting to you.

In order to have a successful JIT (Just-in-Time) processing system, all of the following must be present EXCEPT: Dependable suppliers.
Multi-skilled work force.
A push-approach to inventory
Total quality control system.



A push-approach to inventory


The traditional processing is based on "push-approach" to inventory which is slow and ineffective, on the other hand, Just-in-Time processing eliminates the inventories by using the pull approach.

Just-in-tIme has three needed elements:

1. Dependable suppliers

Who can deliver the required raw materials and other needed items on a short notice and are reliable.

2. Multi-skilled work force

Who can operate a wide range of manufacturing machinery.

3. Total quality control system

To ensure "No defects" in the manufacturing process which required continuous monitoring.

Therefore, In order to have a successful JIT processing system, all of the following must be present EXCEPT: A push-approach to inventory

What is meant by the "partition" of India in 1947?


The partition of India was the process of dividing India into two parts: today's India and today's Pakistan and Bangladesh (Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan for a time).

This happened because the Indian Muslims wanted to have their own country where they would not be a minority




i just answered it on usatestprep

In which region would you expect to find the highest share of deaths due to unintentional injuries?



Middle East and North Africa


The main reasons for such death is due to the harsh environment that the people in these region have to face.

Since large portion of the region are covered by dessert , a lot of high poisonous animals often come near the people without being detected. Unsafe working environment also become a big issue since they did not implement the safety standard from the industrialized nations.