Which is one way that a freshwater wetland differs from a lake or pond?


Answer 1
Answer: Below are supposed to be the choices:

A. water flows in a lake or pond but never flows in a wetland. 
B. Wetlands are nesting areas for birds, but lakes and ponds are not. 
C. Water does not always cover a wetland as it does a lake or pond. 
D. Wetlands are salty, but lakes and ponds are fresh. 

The answer is C. Hope it helps. 
Answer 2

Lake and ponds are standing water.

Further Explanation:

Wetlands are the areas of marsh, peatland or water. It can be natural or artificial, permanent or temporary with water; static or flowing.

The characteristics of wetlands are-:

1. An abundance of water and prolonged saturation of the same.

2. Wetland vegetation have special adaptation for life in permanently or seasonally saturated soils.

3. The saturated soil forms distinct and visible characteristics.

Wetlands are often found alongside the waterways and also in floodplains. Wetlands may vary widely due to difference in soil, topography , the chemistry of water and vegetation. Several smaller wetland types may give rise to large wetlands.

Many wetlands found in rocky mountains regions dry up.

Lake and ponds: The characteristics feature are:

Ponds are shallow enough to allow the growth of plants across entire surface. The area where plants can grow is known as photic zone. In contrast to ponds the lakes has aphotic zone.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about water: brainly.com/question/4636675

2. Learn more about lake: brainly.com/question/4947666

3. Learn more about river: brainly.com/question/4947666

Answer Details:

Grade: College Biology

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Ecology


Marsh, peatland, wetland, lake, ponds, photic zone, topography, vegetation, aphotic zone, soil, mountains, static water, saturated soils.

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Mendel's most significant contribution was his formulation of the laws of inheritance, now known as Mendelian inheritance. He proposed that traits are passed down from parents to offspring in discrete units called "genes." Through his experiments, he identified dominant and recessive traits and showed how they can be inherited independently of each other.

One of Mendel's famous experiments involved crossbreeding pea plants with different characteristics, such as flower color or seed texture. By carefully observing the resulting offspring and analyzing the patterns of inheritance, Mendel was able to deduce the basic rules of heredity. He found that traits are determined by pairs of alleles, with one allele inherited from each parent.

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An individual has a diet that is deficient (low) in phosphorus. Which of the followingmacromolecules would be most affected?
Nucleic Acid


All cells require phosphorus because it serves as the building block for nucleic acids, without which cells cannot divide. Nucleotides, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids all contain phosphorus. Thus, option C is correct.

What is the importance of phosphorus in cell?

It has an important impact on how the body exchanges fats and carbs. The production of protein by the body is also necessary for the development, upkeep, and healing of cells and tissues.

Additionally, ATP, a chemical used by the body to store energy, is made possible by phosphorus. The B vitamins work with phosphorus.

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Therefore, if an individual low level of phosphorus, then Nucleic Acid is most affected.

Learn more about phosphorus here:






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C) separation shock.
hope this helps you.