Two main clauses are connected by a coordinating conjunction and a comma, or they are connected by a semicolon and no coordinating conjunction.


Answer 1
Answer: Using Coordinating Conjunctions

Use coordinating conjunctions to indicate that the elements they join are equal in importance and in structure.

Definition of Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions join grammatically similar elements (two nouns, two verbs, two modifiers, two independent clauses):


How to punctuate coordinating conjunctions

When a coordinating conjunction joins two independent clauses, a comma is used before the coordinating conjunction (unless the two independent clauses are very short).

Conjunctions that are not followed by non-essential elements should never be followed by commas.

Perhaps no budget is without some fat, but university officials argue that their unique function requires special standards of evaluation.

When either independent clause in a compound sentence contains a comma to set off introductory or non-essential elements, a reader may be confused by a comma before a coordinating conjunction. In this case, a semicolon may replace the comma.

The figures at elite universities, particularly, are enough to cause sticker shock; yet the current increases at many schools are the lowest in a decade.

When NOT to punctuate coordinating conjunctions

If a sentence begins with a coordinating conjunction, it is not followed by a comma

Yet the typical tenured professor's salary of $43,500 still represents 10% less buying power than the equivalent salary in 1970.

Commas are not used between two verbs, two subjects, two complements, or two objects joined by a coordinating conjunction.

That confuses most analogies between universities and profit-making enterprises. [compound object of preposition]

Endowments and gifts make up the rest. [compound subject]

Georgetown, for example, has eliminated one-third of its graduate programs in the past five years and recently decided to close its dental school. [compound verb]

Answer 2




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The correct answer is 'present, third person singular'. 
Infinitive would be - to ask.
Past tense would be - asked.
Present participle would be - asking.

The man in the back row brought his friends with him


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

"Identify the sentence parts: The man in the back row brought his friends with him"


  • The = article.
  • man = subject.
  • brought = verb.
  • friends = direct object.
  • back row = Subject completion.
  • with him = complement of the object.


An article is the word that appears before a noun, and indicates the gender and the number that the noun indicates. In the case of the above sentence, the article is positioned before the noun that represents the subject of the sentence. In the case of the above sentence, the article is "the".

The subject of a sentence is the person who is doing some action. In the case of the above sentence, whoever is doing an action is the "man".

The verb is the action that the subject is doing. In the case of the above sentence, the verb is "brought".

The direct object is the term or word that explains what the action is being done. In the sentence above, for example, to find out what the direct object is, we have to ask the question "what did the man bring?", "The man brought friends", so the direct object is "friends".

The subject's complement is the term or word, which specifies what the subject is, in the case of the above sentence, the subject's complement is "back row".

The object's complement is the word or term that specifies what the object is, in the case of the question above, the object's complement is "with him".

the man in the back row brought his friends with him

man (subject)
in the back row (preposition) 
brought (verb or predicate)
with (preposition or possession)

Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice. Type your answer here.​


The lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison.

How would you relate the left handed and right handed twins to your own concept of good and evil



See below.


I will assume that this question is from the myth, "The World on Turtles back". If it is not I apologize. But if it is, the left and right twins are the exact example of ying and yang, good and bad. The left-handed twin represents evil, war, and the 'bad' aspect of human nature. The right-handed twin represents being responsible, correct, and what we would consider the 'good' aspect of human nature today. Relating it to myself, I would see the right-handed twin as who I would always try to be, and see the left-handed twin as completely evil and who I would try to avoid being like that twin any way I could. But it really depends on what your own perspective of human nature is, because really anyone is possible of being good or bad.

Final answer:

Good and evil, much like the concept of left-handed and right-handed twins, can be understood through the necessity of contrast. This perspective is supported by Yoruban's metaphysics, which emphasizes the need for evil to understand good.


Concepts of good and evil are often tied in our understanding to associations like right and left, light and darkness, where one represents the positive and the other negative. Relating this to left-handed and right-handed twins could be seen as a metaphoric representation. As per the Yoruban metaphysics, the contrast between good and evil (represented metaphorically by the left-handed and right-handed twins) helps us logically comprehend both concepts, asserting the necessity of evil to understand good. Just as having a left-handed twin and a right-handed twin helps us understand the concept of 'handedness', the existence of good and evil aids in comprehending moral values.

Learn more about Good and Evil here:


Neither sue nor rebecca has had (her their) turn at bat


The context clues show that the appropriate word will be that neither Sue nor Rebecca has had their turn at the bar.

What are context clues?

It should be noted that context clues are the hints that are given in a literary work by the author.

In this case, the context clues show that the appropriate word will be that neither Sue nor Rebecca has had their turn at the bar.

Learn more about context clues on:


read the sentence carefully 

Neither Sue nor Rebecca has had _________ turn at the bat.

your answers are:
A. Her

read the sentence with each word in it like this:
A. Neither Sue nor Rebecca has had    Her      turn at the bat 


B. Neither Sue nor Rebecca has had   Their     turn yet 

** Now tht i have helped you witch answer do you think it is now ??**

If you didn't get my answer the answer is ***THEIR***


How does acid precipitation cause rocks to weather faster


It Cause by them moving, so  they will weather  away, but the acid rain can leak into the rock, slowly breaking down the atoms, causing the  chemically weather faster, also rain and regular water can wash away some covering sediment.

Final answer:

Acid precipitation causes rocks to weather faster by reacting with their minerals, leading to dissolution or change. This process is known as chemical weathering and results in physical changes to the rock structure, causing it to weaken or crumble.


Acid precipitation refers to rain, hail, sleet, or snow that contains a high concentration of acid-forming chemicals, primarily sulfuric and nitric acids. These acid formations are a result of air pollution, mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. Rocks, especially limestone and other carbonate rocks are susceptible to weathering due to their alkaline nature, which reacts with the acidic chemicals.

When acid precipitation comes into contact with these rocks, it reacts with the minerals, causing them to dissolve or change. This process, often referred to as chemical weathering, leads to physical changes in the rock structure, causing it to crumble or become weak. Thus, acid precipitation can cause rocks to weather significantly faster than they would under normal precipitation conditions.

Learn more about Acid Precipitation and rock weathering here: