The ________ theory says that all living things are composed of cells. It also says that cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things and that new cells come from existing cells. A. evolution B. Boveri–Sutton chromosome C. genetic determinism D. cell


Answer 1

Answer: D. cell


The cell theory suggested three proposed statements those were all living things are composed of cells, the cell is the smallest entity of life and all cells formed from the pre-existing cells. This discovery is attributed to Robert Hook, who first began the study of cells in his self constructed microscope. But two scientists named as Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann were the contributors of this theory in 1839.

Answer 2
Answer: (D) Cell theory says that

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What best describes probability?



- the chance that something will happen


Probability is the extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something happening or being the case. It is the chance that something will happen.

- We say it is the likelihood of an event happening, an event being a set of outcomes of an experiment to which a probability is assigned. Probability may be calculated by getting the ratio of the favorable (wanted) outcomes divided by the possible outcomes.

The probability of a given event is a measure of the likelihood that the event occurs. Probability, itself, is the branch of mathematics which studies how such a measure can be calculated or estimated and of how the probabilities of events can be combined.

A solution that contains equal numbers of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions would be called acidic


a solution that contains equal numbes of hydrogen and hydroxil would be called : NeutralHydrogens component tend to be acidic while Hydroxyl Ion hase a base characteristic.If the amount is equal in a solution, then the PH of that solution will be +/- 7, which is considered a neutral solution


The answer is D. neutral.

Describe Root Hair Cell: 1. Function 2. Specialization


Final answer:

Root hair cells are specialized cells found in the root epidermis of plants, which have a function of absorbing water and minerals from the soil.


Root hair cells are one of the most specialized cells of a plant, with long, thin protrusions extending out of the cell that increase the surface area available for absorption of nutrients. These cells are specifically adapted for their function of absorbing water and minerals from the soil.

The thin cell wall and large central vacuole in the root hair cell allow for the diffusion of water and minerals into the cell. Additionally, the presence of numerous mitochondria in the cell allows for active transport of ions against a concentration gradient, which is required for the absorption of some minerals.

The specialization of root hair cells is not limited to their morphology, but also extends to their gene expression. Several genes have been identified that are specifically expressed in root hair cells, and they play a crucial role in the development and function of these cells.

Overall, root hair cells are a crucial component of plant nutrition, and their specialized structure and function allow for efficient uptake of water and minerals from the soil.

Learn more about hair


During transcription in eukaryotes, a type of RNA polymerase called RNA polymerase II moves along the template strand of the DNA in the 3'→5' direction. However, for any given gene, either strand of the double-stranded DNA may function as the template strand. Which of the following initially determines which DNA strand is the template strand, and therefore in which direction RNA polymerase II moves along the DNA?A. the location of specific proteins (transcription factors) that bind to the DNA
B. the specific sequence of bases along the DNA strands
C. the location along the chromosome where the double-stranded DNA unwinds
D. the position of the gene’s promoter on the chromosome
E. which of the two strands of DNA carries the RNA primer



D. the position of the gene’s promoter on the chromosome


Transcription is the first stage of gene expression or protein synthesis. It is the process of synthesizing a complementary strand of mRNA from a DNA template. This synthesis of complementary RNA strand I carried out by an enzyme called RNA polymerase. RNA polymerase does this by adding complementary nucleotides to the growing RNA strand (3'-5') based on the nucleotide it reads on the 5'-3' of the DNA template.

Before transcription can start, the RNA polymerase needs to recognize and bind to a specific region of the gene called PROMOTER. This signals initiation of the transcription process and also tells the polymerase which unwinded strand of DNA will serve as the template strand and hence, in what direction nucleotides will be added.

N.B: Only one of the separated DNA strands will serve as a template for the synthesis of RNA

Can you live without your large intestine? Why or why not?


no we cannot live without our large intestine because it is the only place where waste products gets deposited, it is also responsible for excretion .
No, we cannot live without our large intestine. The large intestine is concerned with the absorption of water and it is from where proper excretion occurs. If there is no large intestine, then we may have to suffer with excretory products ( faeces ) in our blood which will hamper our co-ordination.

One way that fossils form by the dead organism's soft tissue is ________ by sediments such as sand.A. repaired
B. replaced
C. preserved
D. bonded


It is "preserved" by sediments. (C)