How can the amino acid sequence determine the characteristics of an organism?​


Answer 1




Answer 2

Final answer:

Organism characteristics are influenced by the amino acid sequences of proteins coded by their DNA. Amino acids vary in chemistry and structure thereby causing variation in protein structure and function. Similarities in sequences can infer close evolutionary relationships.


The characteristics of an organism are fundamentally determined by the amino acid sequences of its proteins. Protein sequences, composed of the 20 common amino acids, are coded by the DNA molecule in the cell. Therefore, the sequence of a DNA molecule plays a significant role in understanding an organism's identity and function.

Different amino acids have different chemistries and structural constraints, thus causing enormous variation in protein structure and function. This variety is responsible for the diversity and complexity of life. For instance, the human cytochrome c protein contains 104 amino acids, but when compared to the same protein in different organisms, only 37 of these amino acids appear in the same position. This suggests these organisms are descended from a common ancestor.

Moreover, the 3-dimensional structure of proteins, determined by the amino acid sequence, contains significant information about evolutionary relationships. These relationships can be inferred from variations over time of the nucleotide sequence of a gene. The more similar these sequences are in two organisms, the more closely related they are.

Learn more about Amino Acid Sequence here:


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Are these correct???



Yeah! Those are correct!


i think they are correct. i dont know about the fish tho
