As the interpretation of the commerce power has changed over time, which of the following activities can congress regulate under the commerce power. a. discriminatory practices
b. gubernatorial elections
c. export taxes
d. religious practices


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is export taxes

Religious practices and discriminatory practices are not within the domain of commerce power, which is the same for gubernatorial elections. Export taxes are within the domain of commerce power.
Answer 2

C regulate shipping

B federal government could fund public needs

A discriminatory practices

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5 reasons to move to the Byzantine Empire


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no further context and references, five reasons to move to the Byzantine Empire from Rome to Constantinople were the following.

The first reason was that Roman Emperor considered the great strategic location of Constantinopla. Byzantium had many advantages by land and by sea.

The second reason was that trade could have more chances to thrive in Constantinople.

The third reason was that Rome was in decadence. Corruption, crime, health issues. Without a doubt, Rome was not the option to maintain the capital of the Empire there.

The fur reason was that it was the last stop of the Silk Road, an important series of trade routes that connected the Empire with Asia Minor, North Africa, and China.

The fifth reason was that the Roman army could better defend the capital and display its troops to other places in a more expeditious and organized way.

1)a. Annexation of Czechoslovakia
b. Non-Aggression Pact
c. Invasion of Poland
d. Blitzkrieg
This list BEST summarizes events that led to the start of
A)World War I.
B)the Cold War.
C)World War II.
D)the Russo-Japanese War.

2) The Final Solution refers to
A)Germany's plan to win World War II.
B)the Allies plan to win World War I.
C)Hitler's plan to eliminate Jewish people in all of Germany.
D)the clause in the Treaty of Versailles to create a League of Nations.

3) President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945 because
A)he believed it would convince Hitler to surrender.
B)it was the last hope the U.S. had of winning the war.
C)Congress would not fund an invasion of the Japanese mainland.
D)it would prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths that an invasion of Japan would cause.

4) The term used to describe the willingness of Britain and France to allow Hitler to repeatedly break provisions of the Treaty of Versailles is

5) The Axis Powers in World War II included all of the following EXCEPT

6) "The Holocaust" of World War II generally refers to the
A)treatment of Chinese people by Japan in the late 1930s.
B)bombing of the interior regions of Germany by Allied bombers.
C)internment of Japanese-Americans in the United States during World War II.
D)planned murder of Jews, gypsies, communists, and others by the German


1. The list best summarizes events that led to the start of World War II.
2. The final solution refers to Hitler's plan to eliminate Jewish people in all of Germany.
3. The use of atomic bomb on Japan would prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths that an invasion of Japan would cause.
4. The term used to describe the willingness of Britain and France to allow Hitler to repeatedly break provisions of the Treaty of Versailles is appeasement.
5. The Axis Powers on World War II included all of the following except Poland.
6. The Holocaust of World War II generally refers to the planned murder of Jews, gypsies, communists, and others by the Germans.

What is the most likely reason why fewer young people are becoming farmers?


Even though farming is still a lucrative and important activity, small farms no longer have great roles in agriculture, and there are other ways to provide one's family with food and money.

The main reason why fewer young people are becoming farmers is related to Globalization, Industrialization and Urbanization.

Nowadays, there are many opportunities for young people to study and perform very lucrative activities in big urban centers. In large cities we can find schools and universities, as well as numerous companies who offer an immense amount of job opportunities with great wages, that demand lessphysical effort than farming, which is far more attractive to younger people.

Industrialization and/or Urbanization. We now have technology fields, and higher paying job fields, that seem more interesting or grabs the younger generations attention.

In Poland, each town and district had its own: Army Navy Marines Underground Force


Soo what are you saying thats not a question its a statement

The answer is A. army

The US government gave land to the railroads to help them expand. What impact did these land grants have onindustries in the West?
The grants limited the amount of land that was available to industries in the West.
O The grants allowed industries in the West to grow because they encouraged settlement and new industrial
O The grants had little impact on industries in the West.
O The grants discouraged industries from moving west because the land was useless.



The Grants allowed industries in the West to grow because they encouraged settlement and new industrial opportunities.


Its B on Edg

the grants had little impact on industries in the west

Which was a major contributing factor to racial tensions and riots during World War II?A. the Double V campaign started by the Pittsburgh Courier
B. African Americans’ refusal to join the army because it was segregated
C. the presence of so many Japanese Americans on the West coast
D. the murder of Emmett Till, a young black man
E. the large influx of African-American workers into cities without enough housing or services


The correct answer is E) the large influx of African-American workers into cities without enough housing or services.

A major contributing factor to racial tensions and riots during World War II was the large influx of African-American workers into cities without enough housing or services.

During World War II, almost 1.5 million African Americans moved from the rural areas of the Southern states to the Northern cities and some states in the West. Those places were not prepared to receive such a number of people all of a sudden. Their arrival generated problems and tensions because there were not enough places to live and the services were also not enough. Some places became overpopulated and racial tensions derived in confrontations.

the answer is b the army was segragated