The various parts of the endomembrane system serve different functions in the cell. in this activity, you will identify the roles of each part of the endomembrane system.


Answer 1
Answer: the endomembrane system is very important for synthesizing, processing, and movement of lipids and proteins in the cell.
The smooth ER function is mainly used for lipid synthesizing and processing, while the rough ER function is for protein synthesizing

hope this helps
Answer 2

Final answer:

The endomembrane system consists of the nuclear envelope, ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vesicles, and plasma membrane. They collaborate to transport, package, and alter proteins and lipids. Components like mitochondria or chloroplasts are not part of the endomembrane system.


The endomembrane system in eukaryotic cells is composed of the nuclear envelope, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vesicles, and the plasma membrane. These cellular components work together to perform several functions. Notably, they modify, package, tag, and transport proteins and lipids that form the membranes.

Starting with the nuclear envelope, it protects the contents of the nucleus by separating it from the cytoplasm. The endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes proteins and lipids. Golgi apparatus serves to further modify, sort, and package these proteins and lipids for transportation. lysosomes are involved in breaking down waste materials and cellular debris in the cell. Vesicles transport molecules around the cell. Finally, the plasma membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

The endomembrane system does not include organelles like mitochondria or chloroplasts, as their membranes are not part of this system.

Learn more about the Endomembrane System here:


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The part of the CNS that is responsible for these functions is the brain stem. 

The brain stem is the part of the brain that control very basic functions of your organism and lets them work together as they should. The other parts that are mentioned all have much more specific and also different roles. 


D. Brain Stem


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