Which detail about the White Queen from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll reveals that she is not very regal? A.“Well, yes, if you call that a-dressing,” the Queen said. “It isn't MY notion of the thing, at all.”
B.“Every single thing's crooked,” Alice thought to herself, “and she's all over pins!—may I put your shawl straight for you?” she added aloud.
C.“I don't know what's the matter with it!” the Queen said, in a melancholy voice. “It's out of temper, I think.
D.“You couldn't have it if you DID want it,” the Queen said. “The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday—but never jam to-day.”


Answer 1


I think the answer is B.


Answer 2
Answer: I believe the answer is B.

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How to get over a death in the family


All you need to do when someone precious to you died in the family is that you need to simple accept the fact that they died. However, expect that there will be a lot of suffering in your heart because it is a loss of someone very dear to you. If you happen to be depressed for a long time already, then it's the time to move on. Always remember that as we live, we die someday, and it's very painful to see someone dead. It will never be happy, but we always need to remember that we are still living, and we need to live ours to the fullest even if you lost someone in your life.
Cry, don't act like it doesn't effect you. Crying is the best way to cope, but don't cry your life away get it all out and continue with life.

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Deutsch Haus was not a camp

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"Lesser than Macbeth, and greater"

"Not so happy, yet much happier"

"Thou shalt get Kings, though Thou be none"

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The author would use thrifty if they were trying to portray a positive behavior.

Each of those words describe someone who doesn’t spend a lot of money. However, “cheap”, “stingy”, and “tightfisted” all imply that the person isn’t spending money out of greed. “Thrifty” implies that the person is looking to save money by looking for a deal.
Thrifty. Stingy is generally considered like, doesn't give any money and cuts corners (like Mr. Krabs), cheap in my opinion is like, made from the least expensive and lowest quality material, and tightfisted is like, keeps all of their money no matter what.

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-9 is 9 units away from 0.Think of it like counting backwards.
6 is 6 units away from 0.