Insert the missing code in the following code fragment. This fragment is intended to implement a method to set the value stored in an instance variable. Public class Employee
Private String empID;
Private boolean hourly;
) . .
Hourly = isHourly;
A) public void setHourly(String isHourly)
B) public void getHourly()
C) public boolean getHourly()
D) public boolean setHourly(boolean isHourly)


Answer 1




In this code example the missing piece of code would be...

public void setHourly(String isHourly)

This piece of code is creating a function called setHourly which takes in one String variable as it's parameter. Based on the rest of the code, the function takes that parameter variable and places it into an instance variable called Hourly which can be used when the function is called.

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Define a function that takes two arguments: a string called strText and a number called intNumber. This function will use a repetition structure (a While or For loop) to print strText intNumber of times. Call this function.



public class Main


   public static void printString(String strText, int intNumber) {

       for(int i=0; i<intNumber; i++){





public static void main(String[] args) {


       printString("Brainly", 3);




- Define a function called printString that takes two parameters - a String and an int. Since the function will print out the given String, it's type will be void.

- Use for loop to iterate according to the given number and print the given string

- In the main, call the printString function with some parameters.


// Class declaration

public class Printer {  

   // Define the function and call it printMany

   // The return type is void since it doesn't necessarily return any value.

   // It just prints to the console.

   // It takes two arguments strText of type String and

   // intNumber of type int.

  public static void printMany(String strText, int intNumber){          

       // Initialize the loop counter i to 1;

       int i = 1;

      //Create a while loop that goes

      // from i = 1 to  i = intNumber.

      // Where intNumber is the number of times the string strText

      // will be printed.

      while(i <= intNumber) {


           // At each of the cycle of the loop;

           // print out the string strText

           // and increment the value of the loop counter by 1



       }                 // End of while loop

   }               // End of method, printMany, declaration

// Write the main method to call the printMany function

public static void main(String[] args) {

       // Call the printMany function by supplying sample arguments;

       // In this case, strText has been given a value of "Omobowale"

       // And intNumber has been given a value of 4

       // Therefore, "Omobowale" will be printed 4 times.

       printMany("Omobowale", 4);

   }            //  End of main method

}          // End of class declaration

Sample Output:

When the program above is run, the following will be the output;









* The above code has been written in Java

* The code contains comments explaining every part of the code. Kindly go through the comments.

The whole code without comments is re-written as follows;

public class Printer {      

   public static void printMany(String strText, int intNumber){    

       int i = 1;

       while(i <= intNumber){





   public static void main(String[] args) {

       printMany("Omobowale", 4);



What effects convert colors in a picture to a wide variety of hues?


I believe it's color saturation.

In cell B13, create a formula without a function using absolute references that subtracts the values of cells B5 andB7 from cell B6 and then multiples the result by cell B8. please help with excel!! I'm so lost



The formula in Excel is:

=($B$6 - $B$5 - $B$7)* $B$8



Use of absolute reference

To reference a cell using absolute reference, we have to include that $ sign. i.e. cell B5 will be written as: $B$5; B6 as $B$6; B7 as $B$7; and B8 as $B$8;

Having explained that, the formula in cell B13 is:

=($B$6 - $B$5 - $B$7)* $B$8

Write structured pseudocode to show the following: when you are on time for work you have time to buy coffee



If( on_time == True) {


} else {

    print("No Coffee")



Step 1 evaluate with a boolean variable if you are on time

If( on_time == True) {

Step 2 if true you have coffee


Step 3 if false you have not coffee

print("No Coffee")

Before a structure can be used, it must beA.



All of the above



A. declared


Before a structure can be used, it must be  declared.

For example:

// Structure definition

struct s{

int a;

char b;


// Structure instantiation

struct s  mystruct;

// This is where a structure instance called mystruct is created whose

// datatype is struct s.

mystruct.a = 10;

mystruct.b = 'c';

As we can see from the example definition precedes use for the structure.

Use the STL class vector to write a C function that returns true if there are two elements of the vector for which their product is odd, and returns false otherwise. Provide a formula on the number of scalar multiplications in terms of n, the size of the vector, to solve the problem in the best and worst cases. Describe the situations of getting the best and worst cases, give the samples of the input at each case and check if your formula works. What is the classification of the algorithm in the best and worst cases in terms of the Big-O notation



Code is provided in the attachment form


Vector Multiplication code:

Vector_multiplication.c file contains C code.

See attachment no 1 attached below

Classification of Algorithm: For creating elements in vector c of size n, number of scalar  multiplications is equal to n. The size of original two vectors scales directly with the number of  operations. Hence, it is classified as O(n).