who ? worked for advances in the education of women and advocated for better wages for working women ?


Answer 1
Answer: the best awnser to your question is more than likely to be Harriet Tubman.

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A common trait shared by many developing nations is that theyhave less developed infrastructure

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Not all developing countries are in Latin America; many are in Africa and Asia.

They are not called "Western" - as most western countries are developed, not developing. The correct answer is that they have less developed infrastructure, as their infrastructure is still developing. 
The common trait shared by many developing nations is that they : have less developed infrastructure

Compared to the developed nations, less-developed ones usually do not have the quality of the public service that the developed one have, such as bad roads, bad communication service, bad law enforcement system, etc

hope this helps

During the era of reform studied, which was the last group to win the rights they fought for?labor
enslaved persons


The correct answer is C) women.

During the era of Reform, the last group to win the rights the fought for were women.

Women fought for their rights since the anti-slavery movement and they continue to fight until the civil rights movement in the 1970s. Step by step, women were gaining what they deserved. Let’s remember that in 1920, the 19th Amendment of the Constitution ratified the right for women to vote. Or the 1963 Equal Pay Act that allowed the same wage for the same kind of jobs regardless the nationality, color or sex of the worker.

The last group that won rights which they fought for were women. The reason for this is that women for example received the voting right in the 1970s in Switzerland. This is, of course, absurdingly late. All the other groups received the initial rights which they fought for, or which others fought for them, much sooner. 

Which of the following was the moral message in much of George Catlin’s work?a. Destruction of the natural environment is against God’s will.
b. American westward expansion is right and moral and part of God’s plan.
c. The superior American culture must inevitably replace all other cultures.
d. Indians are better off if they are removed from the corrupting influence of white Americans.


D) Indians are better off if they are removed from the corrupting influence of White Americans was the moral message in much of George Catlin's work. He depicted the Native Americans he was painting in very simple ways and this was very much in contrast with the settler culture, which he felt was ruining the traditions of Native American people.

Final answer:

The moral message in much of George Catlin's work was that Indians are better off if they are removed from the corrupting influence of white Americans.


The moral message in much of George Catlin's work was that Indians are better off if they are removed from the corrupting influence of white Americans. Catlin believed that Native American cultures were noble and pure, and that they were being threatened and harmed by the encroachment of white settlers.

He advocated for the preservation of Native American culture and for the relocation of Native Americans to reserved lands where they could live undisturbed.

Learn more about George Catlin's moral message in his work here:



Could the Allies have beaten Germany without a "second front" in Europe?


That's hard to say, but if Germany decided not to fight a two-front war, World War ll definitely would have continued for a longer period of time. Russia and Germany signed a Non-Aggression Pact in which they promised never to invade one another, but Hitler went back on his promise and sent troops to attack Russia. Big mistake. Despite studying Napoleon and his defeat in Russia, Hitler still decided to invade and was caught off guard by the Russian winter. Germany lost thousands of soldiers to illness and frostbite and exhausted all of their supplies and to top that off Germany suffered a huge loss at the Battle of Stalingrad and surrendered in 1943. If these events hadn't occurred, the probability of the Axis Powers winning WWll would have been much greater, or the Allied may not have won by such a large margin.

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Which of the following situations could be found in a society before the Neolithic revolution?A a tribe decides to permanently settle in one location
B a mother plants rice to feed her children
C a young person trains to work as an artist
D a family hunts for food in order to survive


The neolithic revolution, also called the Agrarian Revolution, was a large scare change from hunter-gatherer societies to a settled lifestyle based on farming. The correct answer is D a family hunts for food in order to survive - all the other options could only be found after the revolution.