Which strategies have the potential to prevent the spread of disease? Select fhe three correct answers. A. Education through social media
B. Ending food inspection programs
C. The monitoring of internet searches for symptoms
D. Earlier intervention


Answer 1




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When a mistake happens in the process of copying DNA, the result is called a Mutation.

Studies show that the peak age of onset of anorexia nervosa is between?


The peak age of the onset of anorexia nervosa isduring the adolescence stage of an individual. Anorexia Nervosa refers to apsychological disorder where an individual has a distorted image of him/herselfconvincing the mind that the body is not proportioned. This disease triggers aperson to choose to skip meals in a day or totally not consume any calories. Itis common in adolescence as this is the stage of puberty where social/peers arethe direct influence of self-image. The disease can be treated with a series ofpsychosis and it mostly affects women. 

If leftuntreated the disease can lead to excessive starvation or worst death.

What does weight training use? A.) Aerobic improvements from muscle strength
B.) Flexibility of muscle control
C.) Resistance against muscle contractions
D.) Extra muscle tissue fibers
sorry for the mix up


Weight training uses resistance against the muscle contraction.

Further Explanation:

Weight training is a kind of training that makes use of weight for the resistance. The free weight creates stress to the muscle which makes the muscle stronger and also activates it.

Effective weight training relies upon the proper technique used. The incorrect weight training technique may lead to fracture, strains and painful injuries that also hinder weight training effort.During the initial training period one should start with a lighter weight as it enables them to work upon the form and technique first instead of immediate work out using the brute strength.

Selection of weight lifting method: It depends on several factors like:

1. Specific goals

2. Experience level

3. Conditioning level

4. Motivation level

5. Time constraints

Some of the points that should be taken care:

1. While lifting the weight one should keep their back straight.

2. Proper lifting technique should be used while moving the weights around the room.

3. Shoes having good traction should be used.

4. One should not keep lifting the weights even if they suffer from a strong pain.

5. One should not lift heavier weight if they cannot handle them.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about exercise brainly.com/question/1209683

2. Learn more about how to perform exercise brainly.com/question/919984

3. Learn more about physical fitness brainly.com/question/1617174

Answer Details:

Grade: College Biology

Subject: Health

Chapter: Physical fitness


Weight training, muscle, fracture, strains, injuries, strength, pain, weight, health, physical fitness.

weight training use for Resistance against muscle contractions.

Further Explanation:

Weight training:

Weight training is an action that includes lifting, pushing, or pulling fluctuating obstruction while utilizing machines and free loads. At the point when an individual is occupied with this sort of action, the limit of the muscle compressions to oppose the weight is being tried. Over some stretch of time, when these muscle withdrawals create, muscle development is obviously found in the body and upgrades in quality and perseverance are noticeable.It is a decent exercise routine as one individual ages as it contributes well in conditioning the muscles and keeping the body solid and fit.  

great load to begin lifting:  

On the off chance that you can without much of a stretch accomplish in excess of 22 reps, pick a set five pounds heavier. This decides your lighter arrangement of loads. Include 10 pounds, and that is the amount you ought to lift when going after a heavier arrangement of loads.  

Kinds of weight preparing:  

Five kinds of solidarity preparing alongside who every technique is most appropriate for:  

All out Body Circuit Training, Push-Pull Training, Power Lifting Training, Explosive Dynamic Training, Muscular Isolation Training.  

weight training focused:  

Quality preparing projects are commonly sheltered. ... However, there's a major distinction between quality preparing, powerlifting, and lifting weights. Powerlifting focuses on how much weight an individual can lift at one time. The objective of competitive body building is to assemble muscle size and definition.

Subject: Health

Level: High School

Keywords: Weight training, great load to begin lifting, Kinds of weight preparing, weight training focused.  

Related links:

Learn more about evolution on



Which of the following is NOT a function of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)?a. to prevent nutrient deficiencies
b. to reduce the risk of disease
c. to meet nutritional needs
d. to prevent nutrient overdoses



d. "To prevent nutrient overdoses" is not a function of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)


The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is part of the system of nutrition recommendations which is the Dietary Reference Intake. The RDA considers the daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered sufficient, so its function is to meet nutritional needs, to reduce risk of disease and to prevent nutrient deficiencies. However, to prevent nutrient overdoses RDA is not the right one to use. In that case Tolerable upper intake levels (UL) is the correct is the correct reference value to avoid excessive intake of nutrients. For example, vitamin A can be harmful in excesive amounts.

To prevent nutrientoverdose is not a function of recommended dietary allowance.

Further Explanation:

The “Food and Nutrition Board” of the national academy establish the guideline of recommended dietary allowance. The total amount of mineral and vitamins added into a particular food is usually set at a daily requirement of an individual that is lower than the one-third part of the complete RDA. It provides various benefits.The main motive of RDA guidelines is to inform an individual how much of a particular nutrient is required by the body regularly. It also prevents any deficiencies of the particular nutrient.It is very essential to meet the daily RDAs to perform the function of the body. RDAs are present on nutrition labels on the food that we eat. It is mandatory to provide a RDAs list of calcium, iron, and vitamins by the food manufacturers. It is part of dietary reference intake that includes the recommended intake of the tolerable level of nutrients.

Learn More:

  1. Learn more about the fibrous skeleton of the heart brainly.com/question/7301375
  2. Learn more about blood cells bring oxygen and take carbon dioxide away brainly.com/question/1213217
  3. Learn more about the system prepares food for absorption into the bloodstream brainly.com/question/310282

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: Health

Topic: Dietary intake


Dietary intake, recommended allowance, iron, calcium, food, eat, vitamin, food manufacturers, tolerable, level, references, nutrition label.

Discuss a time when you made an impulsive decision. What was the decision? Why did you make your decision impulsively? What were the consequences of the decision? If you had the decision to make all over again, how would you change your decision?<< Read Less


ANSWER 1: The impulsive decision that I took was buying a car.

EXPLANATION: In Summer 2016, I took the decision to buy a car which was impulsive in nature. The car was being offered at a huge stock clearance discount by the dealer and the car was also a limited version much loved by my father. So, to get the last minute deal I bought the car within a week's notice.

ANSWER 2: The decision was taken because the car was limited and it was a huge stock clearance from the dealer's end after which the car's production was stopped and it won't be available. The car being my father's favorite, I wanted to gift it to my dad.

ANSWER 3: The consequence of the decision was I had to get loan from finance company with a tenure of 5 years. The car was well out of my budget. I made a down payment of whatever savings and I got my loan.

ANSWER 4: If the decision was to made all over again, I would prefer to calculate my finance first. I would prefer a used car to buy for me or my dad rather than running for last minute deals from the dealers. The used car will be well within my budget and would also be offering the same features as the new car would have been.

Buying a pair of shoes very expensive brand.
impulsive decision: I did not think, I did not take my time
The result: a hole in my budget
Next time I will think before acting impulsively.

What is the general term for a disease causing microbe?O Virus
O Bacteria
O Lymphocyte
O Pathogen


Pathogen would be the term.

Final answer:

The general term for a disease-causing microbe is a pathogen. This could include bacteria or viruses, among others. A lymphocyte is a component of the immune system, not a disease-causing entity.


In the context of disease-causing agents, the general term is Pathogen. Pathogens are microorganisms - such as a bacteria, virus, or fungus - that cause disease in their host. These could be anything from a common cold Virus to a dangerous Bacteria like E. coli. However, a Lymphocyte is not a disease-causing agent, but a type of white blood cell that is part of the immune system and helps fight off these invaders. So, to answer your question directly, a disease causing microbe could be a virus, bacteria or other type of pathogen, but it is not a lymphocyte.

Learn more about Pathogens here:
