What event characterized the Paleozoic era?


Answer 1
Answer: The  phanerozoic geologic era is divided into three and the paleozoic era is the first among them. The paleozoic era occurred about 902 million years ago and it divided into six different periods. It was a time of dramatic changes in term of climate, geology and evolution.  
During the first period of the paleozoic era large number of creatures evolved, this is called Cambrian explosion. Most of the biological classes that are still prevalent today such as primitive fish and coral were evolved during this era. Mass evolution of fish also occured during this era. 
Answer 2

The event that characterizes the Paleozoic era is the Cambrian explosion, according to which a large number of biological class prevalent today are primitive of fish and corals that evolved during that era.

Further Explanation:

The Paleozoic Era is run from nearly five hundred forty-two million years ago to two hundred fifty-one million years ago; that was the time many changes occur on earth. This era starts with the breakdown of the supercontinent and the formation of a new one. In this era, many plants are developed and also very first animal (vertebrate) found on land. This era is divided into six different periods, namely:

  • Cambrian
  • Ordovician
  • Silurian
  • Devonian
  • Carboniferous
  • Permian

After this, many Paleozoic seas found with blastoid and crinoid echinoderms, rugose corals, tabulate, graptolites, and articulate brachiopods. At the last phase of this era, glossopterids, cycads, ferns, and primitive conifers were present across many landscapes. The Paleozoic mass disappears at the late phase of Devonian and end phase of Ordovician. The end phase of this era is referred to as the Permian period.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about the effects of alcohol on brain brainly.com/question/2034996
  2. Learn more about alcohol is an antidepressant drug brainly.com/question/4541397
  3. Learn more about the effect of alcohol on body weight brainly.com/question/826810

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Evolution


Permian, Devonian, Ordovician, mass, Paleozoic era, blastoid, landscapes, sea, end phase, echinoderms, rugose.

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Binary fission.


Binary fission: It is known as the asexual reproduction, in which a single organism formed two independent organisms, and also defined as duplication of organisms. This starts with the replication process of DNA within the cell. Before binary fission mitochondria must have replicates its DNA.

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Which of the following will be the final stage in the sun’s life cycle? A. nova stage
B. red giant stage
C. planetary nebula stage
D. black dwarf stage


Answer: B. red giant stage  

When the sun runs out of fuel-hydrogen, its atmosphere expands and it becomes a red-giant star. The Sun would leave the main-sequence stage and enter the red-giant stage in which huge pressure generated in its core pushes the atmosphere outwards making it expand and nuclear fusion reaction of heavier nuclei starts. The end stage of Sun would be formation of a white dwarf.

Thus, from the given options, correct answer is B. red giant stage  

The final stage in the sun's life cycle is the black dwarf stage. The black dwarf stage is proposed to be the final stage in the life cycle of a white dwarf, after it has exhausted its nuclear fuel and undergone gravitational collapse.

The correct option is D.

The life cycle of a star like the sun can be divided into several stages. The specific sequence of stages depends on the mass of the star. However, for a star like the sun, the stages are as follows:

Main Sequence: The sun is currently in the main sequence stage, where hydrogen fusion occurs in its core, producing energy.

Red Giant: As the sun exhausts its hydrogen fuel, it will enter the red giant stage. During this stage, the sun's core contracts while the outer layers expand, causing the sun to become larger and cooler.

Planetary Nebula: In the next stage, the sun will shed its outer layers, forming a glowing shell of gas and dust called a planetary nebula. This process exposes the core of the star.

White Dwarf: After the planetary nebula stage, what remains of the sun's core will collapse inward due to gravitational forces. Black Dwarf: The final stage in the sun's life cycle is the black dwarf stage.

Hence , D is the correct option

To learn more about black dwarf  , here
