Why did Spain eventually cease to be the most successful European power in the New World?


Answer 1
Answer: Spain eventually cease to be the most successful European power in the New World since Spain used its gold to buy manufactured goods from other countries and to fight wars. Thank you for posting your question here. I hope the answer helps. 

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The answer is letter B. India's desire for independence increased following the World War II was because the country felt that its service in the war effeort should grant them indepennce. In 1919, then thousand Indians marched to protest against the British policies. Indians also did not patronize British products.

 The correct answer is B.  

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Muhammad Ali tried to westernize Egypt bybuilding a large army and expanding Egyptian territory.
allowing Britain to take control of the government.
expanding farms and developing a range of new crops.
inviting European industries to expand to Egypt.


Building Large Army


Although he expanbded the army there was no expansion of territory, although he had plans to do so.

On the contrary, Egypt managed toi remain independent at the period.

Yes, Muhammad Ali did everything he could to expand mainly the cotton plantation, the country reach the fifth position in cotton production at the time.

He did not invite European industries,rather he tried to develop a local industry, he shunned external competition, although he needed to import the machinery.

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the internet

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