Which of the following resulted from the Amnesty Act? A. Most Confederate veterans were allowed to vote. B. Republicans returned to power in the South. C. All freed slaves were granted the right to vote. D. Federal troops doubled in the South.


Answer 1


A. Most confederate veterans were allowed to vote is the correct answer.


Amnesty act was US federal law passed on May 22,1872 .This act reversed the penalties imposed on the secessionists by the fourteenth amendment. Section three of fourteenth amendment prohibited any person who was engaged in rebellion or insurrection from appointment to any federal or state office. But as per the provision of the fourteenth amendment, this could be overridden by two-thirds vote by each house of congress hence the Amnesty act overrode the office holding disqualifications and voting restrictions against the secessionists.

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Who was malik kafoor?


A general I believe tried to invade India. He worked for  Muhammad Khilji, who was Muslim leader during the Turkic rule if I remember correctly.  Turkic refers to people of different origins and are from vast parts of Asia and even include people from the eastern part of Europe.

Hopefully this helped. It's been a while since I learned this...high school. lol. Good luck!!!!


Malik Kafur (died 1316), also known as Taj al-Din Izz al-Dawla, was a prominent slave-general of the Delhi Sultanate ruler Alauddin Khalji.


Which of the following is a fossil fuel? a. copper
b. cattle
c. oil
d. aluminum


"Oil" is the only option from the list that is a fossil fuel, since it comes from under the ground and has formed literally through the decay of many ancient fossils. 

oil is the answer

hope it helps

To what extent did world war 2 effect women's daily lives?


1.) With men away at war, there wasn't a lot of support for family
2.) with support, there wasn't much for their family
3.) High risk of rape with men gone 
it affected them quite a lot, they had to make weapons for the war, they needed to grow food because of the shortage so everyone would have enough to eat, they did play a very important role.

What was one of President Wilson's Fourteen Points?



hope this helps you


The 14 points included proposals to ensure world peace in the future: open agreements, arms reductions, freedom of the seas, free trade, and self-determination for oppressed minorities.Wilson later suggested that there would be another world war within a generation if the U.S. failed to join the League.

In 1988 Congress offered payments of $20,000 to Japanese Americans who had been sent to relocation camps during World War II. Which principle of American democracy is BEST demonstrated by that congressional action?


The principle of American democracy that is best demonstrated by that congressional action is the principle of Check and Balance. This is because this principle ensures that one branch of government makes sure that another branch does not abuse of its power or make mistakes with it and balances the power that each branch has. When the government abused its power by sending Japanese Americans to relocation camps during World War II, there was no balancing, so there had to be a compensation further in time. Congress then checked the situation, acknowledged the mistake and balanced the stakes by compensation of $20,000.

Final answer:

The offer of reparations to Japanese Americans interned during World War II demonstrates the principle of constitutional government. The government recognized and made amends for its violation of constitutional rights, showing its commitment to uphold the constitution and rectify past injustices.


The principle of American democracy that was best demonstrated by the congressional action to offer reparations to Japanese Americans who had been sent to relocation camps during World War II is constitutional government. Constitutional government is the principle that government power is derived from the constitution and that government actions are restricted by this foundational document, which is designed to protect the rights and liberties of its citizens.

In this case, the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was a significant breach of constitutional rights, notably the Fifth Amendment which guarantees that 'no person shall be... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.' Decades later, the reparations and formal apology issued by the U.S government acknowledged this wrongdoing and aimed to compensate for those rights that had been violated, upholding the spirit of a constitutional government.

The reparations symbolize much broader principles: the government's obligation to adhere to the constitution, and the potential for redress when it fails to do so. In the long term, this event also demonstrates the capacity for deliberative democracy, self-improvement and the rectification of past injustices in the American democratic system.

Learn more about Constitutional Government here:



What were challenges that Women faced in WWll



There were shortages: food, clothing, transportation, cosmetics and eligible men. There were long hours of hard work, there were sons, husbands and fathers to bury.


have a great day and plz mark brainliest!