Which statement most correctly describes the role of a connecting protein


Answer 1
Answer: I remember the secondary structure by visualizing it. Understand that primary structure is just the order of the amino acids. The tertiary structure is the 3dimensional configuration of the whole protein molecule with multiple interactions guiding its fold (disulfide bonds, ionic interactions, hydrogen bonds, van der walls). Secondary structure is a step towards the conformation of the protein where it is made up of either alpha-helices or beta-pleated sheets. The alpha helices look like a spiraling staircase while the beta-pleated sheets look like a repetition of long loops. These two structures hold itself by hydrogen bonds.

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A sudden shaking of Earth's crust caused by the release of energy along the fault is called C) An Earthquake.
Answer is C. Earthquake

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Your answers will be C and A

am not quite sure

Answer: I am between A or C.


I am learning about this too. I have midterms tomorrow. I think this shows that I need to study srry, that I couldn’t really help you

Up Name 1. A large pool of trash, known to be the size of 3 Texas, floats around in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Pollution from humans on land, and boaters in the ocean have created this patch of trash. How does this pool of trash most likely impact the marine life in the Pacific Ocean? A. Different species of marine animals have multiplied. B. Marine animals have died by mistaking trash for food or getting tangled up in it. C. All the marine animals have moved to a new location. D. Marine life has not been impacted in any Way.


The correct answer is b
The correct answer is b

What sort of evidence can you use to show that all living things grow and develop


a common human, they go from an embryo then develop into an infant then grow to a teen. once a teen they might go through changes...
a plant is also evidence, they develope from a seed to a small bud and grow to a small plant.

Final answer:

All living things grow and develop as they progress through their life cycle. Evidence includes measuring physical changes, observing physical appearance, monitoring behavioral changes, and studying gene expression.


All living things grow and develop as they progress through their life cycle. This can be observed through physical changes and increased complexity in structure and function as organisms mature. For example, a seedling grows into a fully grown plant, a tadpole develops into a frog, and a fertilized egg grows into a baby and eventually an adult.

Evidence to show growth and development in living things includes:

  • Measuring the height, weight, or length of a growing organism at different stages of its life.
  • Observing and documenting changes in physical appearance, such as the emergence of new body parts or increased complexity in structure.
  • Monitoring and recording behavioral changes, like improved motor skills, increased coordination, or the ability to perform more complex tasks.

Learn more about living things grow and develop here:



What gets passed from one cell to another in sexual reproduction?


DNA and genetic code. Like genes and proteins.
DNA and genetic code