Why Social Studies is important?


Answer 1

Social studies are important because they change young people to develop the capability to make thoughtful decisions for the common good in a globally interdependent world.

What is the significance of social studies?

The main objective of social studies is to assist young people in developing into citizens of a multicultural, democratic society that are capable of deliberating and making decisions for the greater good in a society that is interdependent on all corners of the globe.

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Answer 2
Answer: Social studies is important because it teaches students fundamental concepts of culture, economics and politics skills to groom them into educated, productive citizens. Social studies centers around understanding how the world works on a social level.

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B Thurgood Marshall was the first African-American Supreme Court justice; he fought to end the death penalty.


hope this helps

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B The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court "presides" 

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#hope it helps


yeah what the other dude said lol
