Which pair of words correctly completes this sentence?Camila _________ a Pamela, ____ conoce de su vecindario.
conoce, lo
sabe, la
sabe, lo
conoce, la


Answer 1


Conoce, la.


In this exercise you have to complete the blanks choosing the correct words. You must choose one of the verbs with the correct pronoun. "Pamela" is a woman's name in Spanish so to replace this name we need a female singular pronoun like "la". The two posible options could be "sabe, la" or "conoce, la". However, "saber" is a verb that doesn't have sense in this sentence: Camila sabe a Pamela, la conoce de su vecindario. As you can see, this sentence is odd. So the best option would be the following:

Camila conoce a Pamela, la conoce de su vecindario.

Answer 2
Answer: Camila conoce a Pamela, la conoce de su vecindario.

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a) Las chicas....., levantan a las ocho de la
b) Yo...... lavo la cara.
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a) Las chicas se levantan a las ocho de la  mañana.

b) Yo me lavo la cara.

c) José se peina cada mañana.

d) Uds. se. bañan por la mañana.

e) ¿Te lavas las manos antes de comer?

f). El señor Machado se afeita cada mañana.​

¿Como se dice I love you en español?


Hello ! 

¿Como se dice I love you en español?

Se dice "Te amo" o "Te quiero".
I love you in Spanish is: Te Amo 

Copy, translate, and write masculino or femenino next to the following nouns.profesor, lapiz, sofa, telefono, mujer, hombre , muchacho, silla , muchacha, mapa, luz , pan , libro, pelota , sol , mesa , coche , luna

Example: mano-hand-femenino



Ok, ill try


The translation is Teacher, pencil, sofa, phone, woman, man, boy, chair, girl, map, light, bread, book, ball, sun, table, car, moon

Teacher= profesor =   masculino

Pencil= lapiz= mascuilo

Sofa= sofa= masculino



Man= hombre=masculio

Boy= muchacho=mascuilo






Book= libro=mascuilo


Sun= sol=mascuilo

Table= mesa=femino

Car= coche=mascuilo


Hope this helps

1.What is one element in colonial Spanish architecture?-carpets
-terracotta tiles
-front yards

2.Where can you find examples of Spanish Colonial Architecture in the United States?
-the California missions
-New York


1. Right answer: terracotta tiles

Terracotta tiles are the iconic feature of homes (and the general architecture) in Spain and across the Mediterranean, and of course in the American countries that were part of the colonization by the Spanish Crown.

Traditionally these roof tiles were made from clay, although now there are different process for its elaboration and come in different shapes.

2.Right answer: The California missions

California is located to the west of the United States, but before it was colonized by the Spaniards in 1769 and with colonization the first Franciscan missions were founded. Then, California became part of Mexico in the Mexican War of Independence from the Spanish Crown (1810-1821).

Years later, there was a war between Mexico and the United States (1846-1848). When this war finished, Mexico had to cede California to the United States as a condition for peace in the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty.

1. terracotta tiles

2. California

1) ¿Qué verbo NO es un verbo irregular en el imperfecto?A) ser
  B) cantar
  C) ver


2) Which of the following verbs is an irregular in the imperfect tense?

  A) hablar 
  B) estudiar
  C) ser


Pienso que el verbo es cantar

number one is  cantar for qasiontion ¿Qué verbo NO es un verbo irregular en el imperfecto?

No (1) You answered(blank) (usar) el teléfono para hacer llamadas personales. No (2) You answered(blank) (fumar) en los espacios públicos. No (3) You answered(blank) (ocupar / se) de los expedientes médicos, que (4) You answered(blank) (clasificar / los) los estudiantes en prácticas. (5) You answered(blank) (Ser) respetuosos con todo el personal.



No (1) usen el teléfono para hacer llamadas personales. No (2) fumen en los espacios públicos. No (3) se ocupen de los expedientes médicos, que (4) los clasifiquen los estudiantes en prácticas. (5) Sean respetuosos con todo el personal.


We have to use the imperative mode with the verbs:

usar, fumar, ocupar, clasificar, ser

Verbs must be conjugated as the third person plural

Ellos usen

Ellos fumen

Ellos ocupen

Ellos clasifiquen

Ellos sean