How do you solve this question. I found the first part but don't know how to find distance
How do you solve this question. I found the first - 1


Answer 1
Answer: Why don't you try using the following kinematics formula

Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ad

Then solve for d, distance.
Answer 2
The distance it traveled during that time is

                 (average speed) x (length of time) .

The average speed is

                 (1/2) (starting speed) + (ending speed) .

They gave you the starting speed.
You calculated the ending speed.
So you can calculate the average speed.

They gave you the length of time.
So you can calculate the distance.

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The X- rays are not emitted by the black hole itself but by the  from hot gas orbiting around the black hole forming a disc known as accretion disk. When a black hole rips apart a star it attracts gases towards it. The pressure that is generated in the gas heats it up to millions of degrees thus emitting radiation among which x rays are also present which are detected by radio telescopes on the earth.

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When a negatively charged object is brought near a positively charged object, an attractive force is produced. ... When a negatively charged object is brought near the knob of a neutral electroscope, the negative charge repels the electrons in the knob, and those electrons move down the stem into the leaves.


Suppose that you rubbed a balloon with a sample of animal fur such as a wool sweater or even your own hair. The balloon would likely become charged and its charge would exert a strange influence upon other objects in its vicinity. If some small bits of paper were placed upon a table and the balloon were brought near and held above the paper bits, then the presence of the charged balloon might create a sufficient attraction for the paper bits to raise them off the table. This influence - known as an electric force - occurs even when the charged balloon is held some distance away from the paper bits. The electric force is a non-contact force. Any charged object can exert this force upon other objects - both charged and uncharged objects. One goal of this unit of The Physics Classroom is to understand the nature of the electric force. In this part of Lesson 1, two simple and fundamental statements will be made and explained about the nature of the electric force.

Perhaps you have heard it said so many times that it sounds like a cliché.

Opposites attract. And likes repel.

These two fundamental principles of charge interactions will be used throughout the unit to explain the vast array of static electricity phenomena. As mentioned in the previous section of Lesson 1, there are two types of electrically charged objects - those that contain more protons than electrons and are said to be positively charged and those that contain less protons than electrons and are said to be negatively charged. These two types of electrical charges - positive and negative - are said to be opposite types of charge. And consistent with our fundamental principle of charge interaction, a positively charged object will attract a negatively charged object. Oppositely charged objects will exert an attractive influence upon each other. In contrast to the attractive force between two objects with opposite charges, two objects that are of like charge will repel each other. That is, a positively charged object will exert a repulsive force upon a second positively charged object. This repulsive force will push the two objects apart. Similarly, a negatively charged object will exert a repulsive force upon a second negatively charged object. Objects with like charge repel each other.


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9 feet and some inches

The energy an object has because of its position is called _____



Gravitational potential energy


The gravitational potential energy is the energy that an object has because of its positive with respect to a certain reference level (generally assumed to be the ground level).

The magnitude of the gravitational potential energy is given by



m is the mass of the object

g is the strenght of the gravitational field

h is the height of the object with respect to the reference level

From the formula, we see that the higher the object is, the larger its gravitational potential energy is.

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No. For one thing, when it comes, it flows too fast to catch it and store it. And second, you never know WHERE to set up your equipment.
no, electricity has so much energy, it is too much to even try to contain.

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b) from the burning of fossil fuels
c) from hydroelectric power plants and dams
d) as a waste product from nuclear power plants


Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere b) from burning the fossil fuels

Answer: They are added into they air by burning fossil fuels

Explanation: When fossil fuels burn, they add Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Hope This helped- God Bless