What to call a group of female and male students in Spanish


Answer 1
Answer: I usually use estudiantes or chicos.

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D)The word "for" in this sentece would be translated as "por" in spanish


Necesito estudiar por una hora para prepararme para un examen.


D. I studied for an hour to prepare for my exam.


The preposition "for" is used in the sentence to indicate the purpose or reason for studying, which is to prepare for the exam. In this case, "for" is functioning as a translation of the Spanish preposition "por," which often expresses the purpose or motive behind an action.

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para mean for

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Por is the correct answer.

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it’s neutral. You can use it for masculine and feminine verbs and the "e" at the end won't change. Same thing for words like "azul" and "verde"

It is neutral word. You can use it for both masculine and feminine verbs and the "e" at the end will not change at all.

Espero que esto ayude, que tengas un bendito y maravilloso día! :-)

-Cutiepatutie ☺❀❤