Which was used to justify European imperialism in the late nineteenth century? A. a new wave of nationalism. . B. creation of a social utopia. . C. democratic reform. . D. the philosophy of Karl Marx


Answer 1
Answer: The creation of a social utopia was used to justify European Imperialism in the late nineteenth century. This was also referred to as the Theory of Social Darwinism. 
Answer 2

The correct option is:  

A. A new wave of nationalism.

Throughout the 19th-century, a strong nationalist sentiment was used to justify the imperialism that directly contributed to major changes through their promotion of racism and competition between the nation-states that had arisen. In the Age of Imperialism, European industrializing nations got involved in the process of colonizing other parts of the world.  

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The correct answer is "the use of political tactics to prevent terrorist attacks".

Counter Terrorism is a collaborative strategy between several agents of the government, which include the military, law enforcement, businesses, and intelligence agencies. These institutions engage in preventive actions in order to prevent further terrorist attacks under a country's jurisdiction. This strategy also aims at targeting the financial sources of terrorism.

The definition of counterterrorism is the use of political tactics to prevent terrorist attacks.

What is counterterrorism?

This refers to political tactics that a nation uses to ensure that there will be no terrorist attacks in the nation.

There are several tactics involved but they are all political because they relate to government policy.

Find out more on counterterrorism at brainly.com/question/519004.


Which event helped soldiers returning from World War II reintegrate into US society?A. President Harry Truman vetoing the Taft-Hartley Act
B. the US Congress passing the GI Bill
C. President Johnson’s support of a higher minimum wage
D. the US Congress passing the Wagner Act


The correct answer is B.

The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, also known as the G.I. Bill, was a law that provided many benefits for returning World War II veterans.

The benefits included payment of tuition and living expenses to attend high school, college, or a vocational/technical school.

For those wanting to start a businesses, the benefits included low-interest loans, low-cost mortgages and one year of unemployment compensation.

The benefits were available to all veterans that were active during World War II for at least 90 days, and have not been dishonorably discharged.

B. The GI Bill, which gave them a free college education

The First Opium War was fought between China and _____.A) India
B) Japan
C) France
D) England


I think the answer is A
I wanna say it's A or D

The committee [of the South Carolina Legislature] have bestowed on the subjects referred to them the deliberate attention which their importance demands; and the result, on full investigation, is a unanimous opinion that the act of Congress of the last session, with the whole system of legislation imposing duties on imports, not for revenue, but the protection of one branch of industry at the expense of others, is unconstitutional, unequal, and oppressive, and calculated to corrupt the public virtue and destroy the liberty of the country; which propositions they propose to consider in the order stated, and then to conclude their report with the consideration of the important question of the remedy.South Carolina Exposition and Protest

1. What issue does the South Carolina legislature have with Congress?
2. What region(s) of the country would agree with this message?
3. What region(s) of the country would disagree?
4. Does this document support the American System? How do you Know?
5. H
6. I
7. P
8. P


Answer: The South Carolina Exposition and Protest, also known as Calhoun's Exposition, was written in December 1828 by John C. Calhoun who was the Vice President of the United States under John Quincy Adams. Although Calhoun did not initially put his name to the writings, it was widely suspected and later confirmed. The document was a protest against the Tariff of 1828(Tariff of Abominations). It also stated the idea that a state has the right to reject federal law.

Explanation: The answers are:

1. The last session is unconstitutional

2. The South

3. The North

4. Yes, because it imposes duties on imports

5. Election of 1828: Jackson VS Adams

6. Explains the Whig's views on taxing imports

7. Whigs Party

8. Tax on imports were unconstituional

Final answer:

The South Carolina Legislature is challenging Congress' act of imposing duties, perceived as biased and oppressive. The North, being more industrial, probably would not agree with this, while the South would. The critique of protective tariffs indicates disapproval of the American System.


The issues that the South Carolina Legislature has with Congress in this text pertains to the act of Congress imposing duties on imports for the protection of one industry at the cost of others. They found it to be unconstitutional, unequal, and oppressive. Regions supporting industrial growth and manufacturing, particularly the North, may disagree with South Carolina's position, while agrarian-based economies, especially in the South, would likely agree with South Carolina due to the heavy burden tariffs placed on their economy. Furthermore, this document does not support the American System because this system advocated for tariffs to protect and encourage American industry, an approach that the South Carolina Legislature is criticizing.

Learn more about South Carolina Legislature's Opposition here:



While Herbert Hoover depended on private business, Franklin Roosevelt backed government relief during the Depression. True


That statement is true

What was the Atlantic Charter?


The Atlantic Charter was the document that stated the Allies' war aims, including belief in the four fundamental freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear) and condemnation of Nazism. It also called for a new association of nations. The Atlantic was made prior to the U.S.'s entry into WWII.