Montevideo es la ciudad capital de Uruguay
True or false


Answer 1




Answer 2
Answer: the answer is true for this question

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Question 6 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 2 points) Fill in the blank with the correct preterite form of the verb IR. ¿Adónde ______________ tú? Answer for Blank 1:

1. The infinitive in English is expressed by writing the word noun before a verb. In Spanish the infinitive is expressed by the verb endings ar , er , and ir.2 In order to say that something doesn’t happen (making a negative sentence) in Spanish, use the word noun before the verb.
3 Use the word ______________________________ to agree with someone who likes something. Use the word ______________________________ to agree with someone who dislikes something.
4 If you do not like either of two choices, use the word ____________________


1. This is true. "Infinitive" simply indicates a verb that hasn't been conjugated. For example, "to walk" is an infinitive verb, while "I walk" is conjugated. To denote the infinitive in English, the word that comes before the verb is "to." On the other hand, the infinitive is indicated in Spanish by the endings, because Spanish verbs are conjugated according to their endings: "Caminar" means to walk (infinitive), but "Yo camino" is I walk. 2. This is true. To negate something in Spanish, you will most often put the word "no" before the verb: "Yo camino" then becomes "Yo no camino" (I don't walk). 3. To agree with someone who likes something, you will use the word "también." To agree with someone who dislikes something, you will use the word "tampoco." The best way to think of these words is también as "me too" and tampoco as "me neither." 4. If you don't want to use either of these words, you can simply say "de acuerdo," which means I agree.

The infinitive in English is expressed by adding the word "to" before a verb. In Spanish, the infinitive is expressed by the verb endings -ar, -er, and -ir.

How are the infinitives expressed in English and Spanish?

In English, the infinitive is formed by adding the word "to" before a verb, such as "to go" or "to eat." This structure indicates the base form of the verb and is used in various sentence constructions.

In Spanish, the infinitive is formed by using the verb endings -ar, -er, and -ir, such as "hablar" (to speak), "comer" (to eat), or "vivir" (to live). These verb endings indicate the infinitive form and are essential in Spanish sentence structures.

Read more about infinitive verb


What is this in spanish conjugated and allturn right and go 5 miles down the road and the supermarket is on your left


Vira hacia la derecha y continúa en la misma calle por cinco millas y el supermercado va a estar a tu izquierda.

conjugado y todo

gire a la derecha y avance 5 millas por la carretera y el supermercado esté a su izquierda

In Venezuela it is common to have how many wedding ceremonies?


Two. One must be presented infront of a civil authority (such as a judge) and the other must be religious


two. I did this question and got it right.

PLS I NEED HELP FROM A FLUENT SPANISH SPEAKER!!! Requirements for your presentation.• Use one regular preterite tense verb to describe one nutritional choice you made last
month to stay healthy.
• Use one regular preterite tense verb to describe one exercise you did last month to
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• Use one irregular preterite tense verb to describe one way you relaxed last month to
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• Include at least three vocabulary words.
2 Finalize your oral presentation.


What are the vocabulary words you have to use?

¿Qué __________ __________ hacer a Juan en vacaciones?


Right answer:

le gusta

In this sentence, we have two words. First, le is the indirect object pronoun that matches the third person singular. An Indirect Object Pronoun is a person that receives the action of a verb indirectly. Its purpose is to tell you to whom or for whom something is done. So the action of this sentence is being performed for Juan, that is, for him. On the other hand, since after the second blank comes an infinitive verb, then the conjugation of the verb gustar must match the third person singular, which is gusta. Finally:

¿Qué le gusta hacer a Juan en vacaciones?

Que le gusta hacer a Juan en vacaciones?

When should the personal a be used in a sentence and why? Provide an example of such..


You use the personal 'a' in a sentence where the direct object of a verb is a person
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