The index used by the OS to manage computer files is called _____.API


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B) FAT.
Answer 2

hey bud it's your ole pal paps

sans and i came to help by giving some tips this will surely help and jolt the memory.

Keeping track of these files is a big job. To perform this task, the OS makes an index of all the files stored on the computer. This index is called a File Allocation Table (FAT). The OS updates the FAT every time a file is created, renamed, moved, or deleted.

-paps & sans

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// here is program in C++.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// function to calculate sum of elements of array

int sumArray(int ar[],int n)


   // variable

   int sum=0;

   for(int a=0;a<n;a++)


   // calculate sum of all elements



// return sum

 return sum;


// driver function

int main()


 // variable

  int n;

  cout<<"enter the number of elements in array:";

  // read the number of elements


  // Declare an array of size n

  int ar[n];

  cout<<"enter "<<n<<" elements:";

  // read the elements of array

  for(int x=0;x<n;x++)




   // call the function with parameter array and n

   // print the sum

  cout<<"sum of "<<n<<" elements of array is: "<<sumArray(ar,n)<<endl;

   return 0;



Read the number of elements and assign it to "n".Then create an array of size n of integer type.Read n elements of the array.Call the function sumArray() with parameter array and n.Here it will calculate the sum of all elements and return an integer which holds the sum of all elements.


enter the number of elements in array:5

enter 5 elements:3 6 12 9 5

sum of 5 elements of array is: 35

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