How did the Founding Fathers allow each president the freedom to assemble a good administration?1. They outlined specific guidelines in the Constitution

2. They outlined instructions in the Federalist papers

3. They left the organization of the executive branch undefined

4. They let Congress create the administration

I think it's 3


Answer 1

The correct answer is:

3. They left the organization of the executive branch undefined.


The Founding Fathers of the United States created a division of power into three branches, a legislative branch with a bicameral division (The House of Representatives, and the Senate), a judicial branch and the executive branch, to assure that no branch could abuse its power they also created the check and balances system.

The President of the United States is the head of the executive branch, and the Commander in-chief of the armed forces and has the power to approve or veto the laws passed by the legislative branch. The Founding Fathers left the organization of the executive branch undefined to give freedom to each President to assemble a good administration, an example of this freedom is the cabinet of the President, when George Washington became President his cabinet consisted in only 4 members, who were the heads of the four executive departments that existed at that time, today the cabinet of the President is conformed by the heads of the 15 executive department and the Vice President.  

Answer 2

(3) They left the organization of the executive branch undefined

Further Explanations:

The Founding Fathers of the United States designed the power division into three branches, a legislative branch with a bicameral division (The House of Representatives, and the Senate), a judicial branch and the executive branch, to reassure that no branch could take advantage of its power.

The United States's President is the supreme administrator and also the head of the states of the United States, administering the executive segment of the federated states of the United States of America. He is also the Commanding officer of the defense Forces of the United States. The executive segment of the government was framed under the guidance of the second Article of the United States constitution. The jurisdiction of the president includes implementation of federal law, designating federal executive, regulatory, judicial and diplomatic officers, and deducing treaties with foreign powers.

When George Washington became President his cabinet comprises of only 4 members, who were the chiefs of the four executive departments that subsisted at that time. In present, the  President's cabinet is confirmed by the heads of  15 executive segments and the Vice President.  

Learn More

1. in 1972 the wrath of hurricane Agnes resulted in the evacuation of a Pennsylvania town due to the rising water of what river?

2. which was a result of the peace conference led by prince Metternich of Austria?

3. starting in the1800s, members of the suffragist movement in the united states focused on women's rights too?

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter: US Legislature

Keywords:United States, legislative branch, bicameral division, The House of Representatives, and the Senate, judicial branchh, executive branch,federal law, federal executive, regulatory, judicial and diplomatic officers

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How does an ecosystem change during succession


During succession, an ecosystem undergoes a series of changes in plant and animal communities, starting from pioneer species and progressing through different stages until it reaches a stable and diverse climax community.

How does an ecosystem change during succession?

During succession, an ecosystem undergoes significant changes in its structure and composition over time. Succession is the gradual and predictable process of ecological development that occurs after a disturbance or the initial formation of a new habitat. There are two main types of succession: primary succession and secondary succession. Here's how an ecosystem changes during succession:

1. Pioneer Species: In primary succession, the process starts with pioneer species like lichens and mosses that can colonize barren or lifeless areas. They are well adapted to harsh conditions and can begin to break down rocks and build up soil.

2. Early Successional Species: As the soil develops and becomes more fertile, early successional plant species like grasses and herbaceous plants start to colonize the area. These species are often fast-growing and help stabilize the soil, making it more suitable for other plants.

3. Mid-Successional Species: As the ecosystem continues to mature, mid-successional species like shrubs and small trees start to dominate. They outcompete the earlier species, altering the environment and providing more niches for other organisms.

4. Late Successional Species: Over time, larger trees and more complex plant species, known as late successional species, become established. They can tolerate shade and have longer life spans, ultimately outcompeting the mid-successional species.

5. Increased Biodiversity: As the ecosystem progresses through succession, biodiversity tends to increase. The presence of a diverse array of plant species leads to the establishment of diverse animal communities, including insects, birds, mammals, and more.

6. Climax Community: The endpoint of succession is a stable and self-sustaining community known as the climax community. This community is in equilibrium with the prevailing environmental conditions and remains relatively unchanged until another disturbance resets the succession process.

Throughout succession, there are continuous changes in the physical environment, such as changes in soil composition, water availability, and microclimate. These changes, combined with interactions between organisms and competition for resources, drive the transitions from one stage of succession to another until the ecosystem reaches a stable and mature state.

Learn more on ecosystem here;


The gradual process by which ecosystems change over time. 

Which of the following Puritans believed that there should be some separation of church and state?a. John Winthrop
b. John Cotton
c. Cotton Mather
d. Roger Williams


A and B. They didn't want the state controlling the church, and only letting them do certain things. As it had in the earlier centuries. 


Its not B


I took a test an it was wrong

Universal suffrage was acheived in britain in the year?


I think in the year 1918

Universal suffrage (also general suffrage or common suffrage) consists of the extension of the right to vote to all citizens (or subjects), though some definitions exclude granting that right to minors and non-citizens. Although suffrage has two necessary components, the right to vote and opportunities to vote, the term universal suffrage is associated only with the right to vote and ignores the frequency that an incumbent government consults the electorate. Where universal suffrage exists, the right to vote is not restricted by race, sex, belief, wealth, or social status.

Historically universal suffrage initially referred to adult male suffrage. The First French Republic was the first nation that adopted universal male suffrage in 1792; it was the first national system that abolished all property requirements as a prerequisite for allowing men to register and vote. Greece recognized full male suffrage in 1830 and France and Switzerland have continuously done so since the 1848 Revolution (for resident male citizens). Upon independence in the 19th century, several Latin American countries and Liberia in Africa initially extented suffrage to all adult males, but subsequently restricted it based on property requirements. The German Empire implemented full male suffrage in 1871. The United States theoretically adopted full male suffrage with the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1870, but this was not practically implemented in the South until the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

In 1893 New Zealand became the first nation in the world (bar the short-lived 18th century Corsican Republic) to grant universal, male and female adult suffrage.[1] In most countries, full universal suffrage followed about a generation after full male suffrage. Notable exceptions in Europe were France, where women could not vote until 1944, Greece (1952), and Switzerland (1971 in federal elections and 1990 in all cantonal elections). It is worth noting that countries that took a long time to adopt women's suffrage were often actually pioneers in granting universal male suffrage.

In the first modern democracies, governments restricted the vote to those with property and wealth, which almost always meant a minority of the male population. In some jurisdictions, other restrictions existed, such as requiring voters to practice a given religion. In all modern democracies, the number of people who could vote has increased progressively with time. In the 19th century in Europe, Great Britain and North America, there were movements advocating "universal [male] suffrage". The democratic movement of the late 19th century, unifying liberals and social democrats, particularly in northern Europe, used the slogan Equal and Common Suffrage.

The concept of universal suffrage requires the right to vote to be granted to all its residents. All countries, however, do not allow certain categories of citizens to vote. All countries currently have a minimum age, usually coinciding with the age of majority, and several countries imposefelony disenfranchisement and disfranchisement based on resident status and citizenship. Saudi Arabia was the last major country that did not allow women to vote, but admitted women both to voting and candidacy in the 2015 municipal elections.

How did Alfred the Great contribute to the development of a national identity in England?A) He defeated the Danes and drove them out of England.
B) He joined with his three older brothers to divide English lands.
C) He signed a peace treaty with Guthrum, a French military leader.
D) He worked toward peace by reducing the size of his army and navy.


I believe the answer is: A.He defeated the Danes and drove them out of England

At that time, the Vkings were regarded as the strongest millitary in Europe. Just like the spartan of greek, the Viking's philosophy is based on seeking hounour through battles. In his battle tactics, Alfred The Gread initiate a blockade for the Viking's ships that left the Danes on England's land to submit and forced to retreat.


The answer is A


I just took the test and that it the correct answer!