The first defense against a contagious disease is . antibodies
sanitation health or water


Answer 1
Answer: The first defense against a contagious disease is :

Answer 2

Answer: B. Sanitation


Sanitation can kill bacteria and slow the growth rate of the disease.

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List five children vaccines are required by law to put the childhood vaccine injury Act of 1986


Since March 21, 1988, health-care providers who administer certain vaccines and toxoids are required by law to record permanently certain information and to report certain events.* The vaccines and toxoids to which these requirements apply follow: diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine (DTP); pertussis vaccine (P); measles, mumps, and rubella single-antigen vaccines and combination vaccines (MMR, MR); diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DT); tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (Td); tetanus toxoid (T); poliovirus vaccine live, oral (OPV); and poliovirus vaccine inactivated (IPV) (Table 1). The requirements also will apply to DTP combined with inactivated poliovirus vaccine (DTP/Polio combined) if it becomes available.
1:Flu vaccine
2: Pneumococcal vaccine 
3: Tdap vaccine for tetanus,diphteria and pertussis
4:Shingles vaccine
5: Hepititis vaccine 

List the levels of organization from smallest to largest


Here are the levels of biological organization:

Atom:Basic unit of all matter. (Take note that these are also made up of subatomic particles) Each atom has a property of a specific element.

Molecule:A molecule is a group of atoms held together by a chemical bond (Covalent bond to be specific). They differ from ions because they lack an electric charge.

Organelles: Organelles are components of a cell. Such examples would be the nucleus, golgi apparatus, Endoplasmic reticulum and the like.

4. Cell: Also known as the building blocks of life. They are the most basic structural, functional and biological unit of all living things.

5. Tissue: This is an aggregate of similar cells. They need to be similar cells because they all work towards a specific function.

6. Organ:an organ is a group of tissue that shares a specific function.

Organ system: It is a group of organs that work together to do one or more physiological function. Each system has a specific role in the body.

Organism: It is a living creature that is composed of a network of different organ systems that work together to sustain life.

Population: It is a group of similar organisms that live in a common area or environment at a given time. A population can fluctuate depending on certain factors.

Community: Is a group of different organisms that interact with each other in a certain area or environment at a given time.

Ecosystem: It can be defined as the interaction between the different communities, including the interactions with non-living elements in an environment like water, air, temperature and the like.

Biome: It refers to a large geographical area where ecosystems exist where the organisms are adapted to the specific environment. Examples would be desert, tundra, forest and the like.

Biosphere: Encompasses all the ecosystems. In other words, it consists of all the living and non-living things in the world. 

The list levels of organization from smallest to largest are:

1. Atom

2. Molecule

3. Organelle

4. Cell

5. Tissue

6. Organ

7. Organ system

8. Organism

9. Populations

10. Communities

11. Ecosystems

12. Biomes

13. Biosphere

List the levels of organization from smallest to largest

The levels of organization from smallest to largest are:

Atom, Molecule, Organelle, Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ system, Organism, Populations, Communities, Ecosystems, Biomes and  Biosphere

1. Atom: The smallest unit of matter that can exist. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

2. Molecule: A group of two or more atoms bonded together. Molecules are the basic units of all living and non-living things.

3. Organelle: A specialized structure within a cell that carries out a specific function.

4. Cell: The basic unit of life. Cells are made up of organelles and are the smallest units of life that can replicate themselves.

5. Tissue: A group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function.

6. Organ: A group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function. Organs are the functional units of the body.

7. Organ system: A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function.

8. Organism: An individual living thing. Organisms are the highest level of organization in biology.

9. Populations: Populations consist of groups of individuals of the same species living in a particular area and interacting with one another.

10. Communities: Communities are formed by populations of different species living and interacting in the same geographic area.

11. Ecosystems: Ecosystems include all living organisms (biotic factors) and non-living components (abiotic factors) in a particular area, interacting with each other and their environment.

12. Biomes: Biomes are large geographical areas characterized by specific climate and vegetation types, containing various ecosystems with similar characteristics.

13. Biosphere: The biosphere encompasses all the regions of Earth's surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere where living organisms exist.

Learn more about levels of organization on:


8. What is a drawback of a naturalistic study?The researcher lacks control over the research setting.

The research subjects must be studied in a lab.

The researcher always studies just one subject.

The research results do not apply to the real world.




The researcher lacks control over the research setting.


A naturalistic study consists in the systematic observation of human and animal behavior as it occurs naturally and spontaneously in their habitual environment. Although this type of study is very important for assessing the behavior of living things, there are many limitations that can undermine the promising outcome of this type of study.

This type of limitation is usually related to the lack of control that the researcher has with the research scenario. The result of this lack of control is:

  • Control over foreign variables is limited, so no cause-effect relationship can be established: conclusions are assumptions.
  • If participants are aware that they are being watched, their behavior will be less natural; If you are unaware that you are being watched and your behavior is not public, problems may arise that invalidate the observation (privacy violation).
  • Where there is only one observer - as often happens - it is difficult to verify the authenticity and reliability of the data.


The researcher lacks control over the research setting


Answer is correct on the midterm

What do you use your chest and abdominal muscles for?


To do push up because you need jt


Pull ups because they express your chest and abdominal strength.


Which risk may result from having a cross-connection?


Cross-connections may result in backflow that causes the contaminants to enter the pure water supply under certain conditions. A backflow is a change of pressure in a water pipe that forces water to flow opposite to its intended direction, allowing contaminants to enter the unprotected system.

Final answer:

Cross-connections, which are physical links between clean and potential sources of contamination, present several risks primarily concerning health and safety. These risks include the transmission of diseases through contaminated water or medical equipment and electrical hazards in case of improper wirings.


A cross-connection exists when there is a physical link between a clean water source and a potential source of contamination. The risks associated with cross-connections primarily relate to the health hazards of consuming contaminated water, such as disease transmission, and possibly, complications ranging from gastrointestinal issues to fatal illnesses.

For example, in health care settings, a cross-connection might involve pathogens potentially introduced into the bloodstream via contaminated catheters, dental procedures, or wounds. This connection could lead to increased risk of diseases like Hepatitis B. In more severe scenarios, cross-contamination could lead to outbreaks like the one seen in the Flint, Michigan, water crisis, where pollution in the city's water system led to widespread health issues.

Moreover, cross-connections in electrical systems also present risks, like thermal hazards where excessive electric current causes undesired heating effects or shock hazards, potentially lethal electric currents passing through a person.

Learn more about Cross-Connection here:


Which is a waste product carried away from your cells by the cardiovascular system?carbon dioxide





Carbon dioxide because it gets carried away in the celles


carbon dioxide
