Which sentence that has a subject complementA I felt much better
B we can't leave without seeing her
C the nurse felt my pulse
D the day ended with many surprises


Answer 1
Answer: "I felt much better" is the one sentence among the following choices given in the question that has a subject complement.
Answer 2
Answer: I think its A or D; the reason I think it might D is because is that "many surprises" might be a complement to day the subject. I think A would the answer because "I" the subject is complemented by better .... sorry I hoped this help somewhat. 

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The primary purpose is to provide information to perform a task.
The primary purpose is to construct a logical argument.
The author's feelings are more prominent than are facts.
It presents facts, principles, theories, and reasoning related to a subject.


Functional texts are the texts which include do-it-yourself and how to do instructions. It includes such as directories, menus, forms to fill and so forth. It is used by the reader in order to confirm for the next step and what is needed to do.

Therefore, of the following statements which describe a functional text is

The primary purpose is to provide information to perform a task.

It presents facts, principles, theories, and reasoning related to a subject

A functional text is used 'to provide information on how to perform a task'. They are a kind of manuals, or directions for us in our day to day lives. 

Which of the following sentences from "the pin" best supports the optimistic tone in the story ?I could and would work hard to improve my situation, I wore a corny-looking straw hat like old-time politicians used to wear at conventions.
I boldly walked up to people and introduced myself.
Now I wear a pin on my lapel that says "Freshman Class President."


I could and would work hard to improve my situation sentence from "the pin" best supports the optimistic tone in the story. Therefore option A is correct.

What is an Optimistic Tone?

An optimist hopes for the best outcome even though they know it is unlikely to occur. This type of person is also sometimes referred to as optimistic. If you choose to look on the bright side of things and see the glass as half-full when others see it as half-empty, you are optimistic.

An optimist prefers to view things positively and hold out hope for the better, which is known as the "half-full" perspective. Instead of believing that something will happen either always or never, they choose to consider the possibilities.

A pessimist is the exact opposite of an optimist. A pessimist has a tendency to view things negatively and prepare for the worst, which implies they tend to see the glass as half-empty. A pessimist will therefore frequently worry more than an optimist!

To learn more about Optimistic Tone follow the link.



A. I could and would work hard to improve my situation

Juliet: Go, get thee hence, for I will not away. [Exit FRIAR LAURENCE.] What’s here? a cup, clos’d in my true love’s hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end. O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after! I will kiss thy lips; Haply, some poison yet doth hang on them, To make me die with a restorative. [Kisses him.] Which tragic flaw of Juliet’s character is reflected in this excerpt?


The tragic flaw of Juliet’s character which is reflected in the above excerpt is:

her tendency to act without forethought

After knowing that Juliet had died Romeo wanted to enter the tomb in which Juliet laid dead desperately. When he discovers Paris he asks him to get away from the tomb, but he didn't leave the tomb. Paris and Romeo indulge themselves in a fight in which Paris is killed by Romeo. He takes Paris into Juliet's tomb and then drinks the poison. When Juliet awakes, she finds Romeo dead after which she too stabs herself with a dagger.  

The tragic flaw of Juliet's character reflected in this excerpt would be her strongly confluent love for Romeo and her hopelesness as well. 

Which answer shows a correct way to divide the word at the end of a line? A. broth-er B. brot-her C. cannot be divided D. bro-ther


The answer is A broth-er because you can sound it out and it has two syllables

1. Which of the following sentences is combined correctly? *O John opened the drawer it was empty.
O John opened; the drawer it was empty.
John opened the drawer; it was empty.
John opened the drawer, it was empty.


it should be the last the comma means and so it would be the bottom answer hope this helps :)

What does this excerpt from the beginning of F. Scott Fitzgerald's short story "Winter Dreams" tell readers about Dexter's motivations as a character?He became a golf champion and defeated Mr. T. A. Hedrick in a marvellous match played a hundred times over the fairways of his imagination, a match each detail of which he changed about untiringly—sometimes he won with almost laughable ease, sometimes he came up magnificently from behind. Again, stepping from a Pierce-Arrow automobile, like Mr. Mortimer Jones, he strolled frigidly into the lounge of the Sherry Island Golf Club—or perhaps, surrounded by an admiring crowd, he gave an exhibition of fancy diving from the spring-board of the club raft. . . . Among those who watched him in open-mouthed wonder was Mr. Mortimer Jones.

1.)Dexter dreams of upstaging Mortimer Jones at golf and gaining his admiration.
2.)Dexter dreams of becoming a champion golfer and buying an expensive automobile with the winnings.
3.)Dexter dreams of being admitted into high society and gaining its admiration.
4.)Dexter dreams of befriending Mortimer Jones so he can convince him to give him a job.
5.)Dexter dreams of impressing Mortimer Jones so he can borrow his automobile.



1.) Dexter dreams of upstaging Mortimer Jones at golf and gaining his admiration.


The passage above from Winter Dreams, demonstrated an incredible desire from Dexter to upstage M. Jones and ideally may pick up Jones' endorsement or even commendation.


Dexter dreams of being admitted into high society and gaining its admiration.

