Which of the following is true about soil color? a. A dark color indicates that the soil is poor in organic matter. b. Bright yellow and red colors indicate large amounts of organic matter. c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum. d. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of calcium or magnesium.


Answer 1

Answer: c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum.

Soil color is a property of soil, it depends on various factors like the amount of organic matter present in the soil, type of minerals and porosity of soil (amount of pores present in the soil). Usually, dark soils have comparatively higher organic matter content than light colored soils.

Yellow or red hues in the soil indicates the presence of iron or aluminum it is the true statement about soil color. It depicts the fact that the color of soil is because of presence of particular mineral in it. Yellow or red color of the soil is an indicative of iron in the oxidized form as ferric iron oxides.

Answer 2
Answer: The only one correct answer would be:

c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum. 

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♥ B. cholesterol.
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