Which civilizations had a profound influence on Hiram Powers's work?ancient Germany and Russia
ancient Egypt and America
ancient Italy and America
ancient Greece and Rome


Answer 1

Answer:La Revolución Industrial

   En los últimos decenios del siglo XVIII se iniciaron en algunas zonas de Europa, y más en concreto de Inglaterra, unas profundas transformaciones económicas que pronto se extenderán al resto del continente.

   La magnitud e importancia de estos cambios obligan a calificarlos de auténtica revolución económica, la segunda que vive la humanidad desde la invención de la agricultura en los tiempos del Neolítico.

   Los contemporáneos de aquella época acuñaron la expresión «Revolución Industrial», utilizada fundamentalmente por economistas y teóricos socialistas. De esta manera, el término «revolución», hasta entonces aplicado únicamente a los fenómenos políticos, pasará a engrosar también el vocabulario de la economía.


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I. NEED. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please Help ME!!!

1. Complete the sentence.

John's brother was ___ together, these disciples were called the "sons of ___"

Complete the sentence.

___ was very ambitious for her sons and asked ___ to place them in important positions in His kingdom.

3. Which two disciples, along with John, became a part of the inner circle of disciples, closest to Jesus during His earthly existence?


John was probably originally a disciple of John the Baptist.

True or False

5. John never calls himself by name in his Gospel.

True or False

6. John stayed with John the Baptist after seeing the "Lamb of God."

True or False

Jesus sent John forth as an Apostle immediately.

True or False

John became a part of the inner circle, with Peter and James.

True or False

9. On what three occasions were only Peter, James, and John allowed to be with Christ?
Multiple choice

The crucifixion
The Passover supper
Christ's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane
Christ's transfiguration
The raising of the daughter of Jairus
The raising of Lazareth

What evidence suggests that John, of all the disciples, was closest to Christ?
Multiple choice

He was given the privilege of sitting at Christ's right hand in His coming kingdom.
He was present at Christ's baptism.
He was seated next to Christ at the Last Supper.
He was present at Christ's trial and crucifixion.
He was given the charge to care for Mary, mother of Jesus.
He describes himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved."


Final answer:

The question covers the life and role of the disciple John in the Christian scriptures with specific reference to his relationship with Jesus, his brother James, and events in which he was involved. The provided answers clarify the roles, relationships and context of John and other figures in the New Testament.


1. The sentence can be completed as - John's brother was James, together these disciples were called the 'sons of Zebeddee'.

2. The sentence can be completed as - Salome was very ambitious for her sons and asked Jesus to place them in important positions in His kingdom.

3. The two disciples, along with John, who became a part of the inner circle of disciples, closest to Jesus during His earthly existence were Peter and James.

4. True, John was probably originally a disciple of John the Baptist.

5. True, John never calls himself by name in his Gospel.

6. False, John did not stay with John the Baptist after seeing the 'Lamb of God.'

7. False, Jesus did not send John forth as an Apostle immediately.

8. True, John became a part of the inner circle, with Peter and James.

9. The three occasions when only Peter, James, and John were allowed to be with Christ are Christ's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ's transfiguration, and the raising of the daughter of Jairus.

10. The evidence that suggests John, of all the disciples, was closest to Christ includes 'he describes himself as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved'' and 'he was given the charge to care for Mary, mother of Jesus.'

Learn more about John the Disciple here:




1: the crucifixion


2 john and asked to place order