Describe how ocean basin growing takes place at divergent boundaries. Give an example of this process.


Answer 1

Answer: As the divergent plates move away from each other the warmth from the mantle makes the crust less dense. The less-dense material rises, often forming a mountain or elevated area of the seafloor. Eventually, the crust cracks which makes tectonic plates! Ocean basin are a result of plate motion, subducting slabs pull on their plates, leading to spreading at divergent plate boundaries.

Answer 2

¿Qué relevancia tiene esta foto de un puente con rocas de apariencia sombría?

En Islandia, la dorsal centro oceánica se encuentra sobre el nivel del mar. Es el único lugar donde se puede ver la dorsal centro oceánica fuera del agua. El Puente Midlina conecta dos placas. En el lado oeste esta la Placa Norteamericana. En el lado este esta la Placa Euroasiática. La dorsal centro oceánica es donde se crea nueva corteza. Eventualmente este lugar quedará bajo el Océano Atlántico.

Límites Divergentes

Las placas se separan en un límite divergente . Esto sucede en los océanos en las dorsales centro oceánicas. También sucede en tierra en las fosas tectónicas.

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the first amendment includes two clauses relating to the freedom of religion. (a) select one of the following cases and identify the first amendment clause upon which the united states supreme court based its decision. engel v. vitale wisconsin v. yoder (b) describe the supreme court's decision in the case that you selected in (a). (c) select one case from cases - free exercise of religion (d) describe the supreme court's decision in the case that you selected in (c). (e) many of these decisions have caused controversy in the united states. describe two ways in which other political institutions might limit the impact of supreme court decisions and why they may want to do so.the first amendment includes two clauses relating to the freedom of religion. (a) select one of the following cases and identify the first amendment clause upon which the united states supreme court based its decision. engel v. vitale wisconsin v. yoder (b) describe the supreme court's decision in the case that you selected in (a). (c) select one case from cases - free exercise of religion (d) describe the supreme court's decision in the case that you selected in (c). (e) many of these decisions have caused controversy in the united states. describe two ways in which other political institutions might limit the impact of supreme court decisions and why they may want to do so.

Rising interest rates tend to contract the level of economic activity. increase the level of business investment. indicate governmental expansion of the economy. signal the trough of a recessionary market.



The correct answer is rising interest rate curtails the level of economic activity.


Increased interest rates increase the cost of borrowing. As a result, there is a decline in private investment. This further causes aggregate demand to decline. As aggregate demand falls there is a leftward shift in the aggregate demand curve, income and consumption decline as well. The price level falls as well. the decline in the prices causes the supply to decrease as well.

So, we see that rising interest rates cause a contraction in the overall economic activity.

Matching. 1. deficit incurred due to the expenses of a political effort campaign debt 2. following one's principles integration 3. persons appointed to head the executive departments of the United States Government segregation 4. separation from a main group to form a new group as a result of disunity conscientious 5. the removal of legal and social barriers which impose separation of groups cabinet members


Answer and Explanation

Campaign debt- Is the deficit incurred due to the expense of a political effort. It is the amount of the money the politicians spend during political rallies for the purpose of convincing the voters whey they deserve the particular political positions.

2.Conscientious- following ones principle. This is normally a persons personality or a character trait where one follows his/her principles

3.Cabinet members -persons appointed to head the executive departments of the US government. They are nominated by the president and then confirmed by the majority votes in the Senate.

4.Segregation-separation from main group to form a new group as a result of disunity. This is where members of one group  have differences which force them to split each group sticking to its opinions.

5. Integration- Is the removal of legal and social barriers which impose separation of groups.

Answer and Explanation

Campaign debt- Is the deficit incurred due to the expense of a political effort. It is the amount of the money the politicians spend during political rallies for the purpose of convincing the voters whey they deserve the particular political positions.

2.Conscientious- following ones principle. This is normally a persons personality or a character trait where one follows his/her principles

3.Cabinet members -persons appointed to head the executive departments of the US government. They are nominated by the president and then confirmed by the majority votes in the Senate.

4.Segregation-separation from main group to form a new group as a result of disunity. This is where members of one group  have differences which force them to split each group sticking to its opinions.

5. Integration- Is the removal of legal and social barriers which impose separation of groups

Read more on GOOGLE!!!

What was the result of the English Civil War?


The result of the civil war was Charles 1 died because eveybody hated him for making so many mistakes and government won basically
The English Civil War was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parilamentarians and Royalists. The first and second wars pitted the supporters of king charles against the supporters of the long parliament.

Hello everybody body I'm in my fresh year so I want some tips from seniors I wanna know how to get high marks and ways to study.



you should try to merge answers to memory for long time and also to get more better marks


Never underestimate the work you have to do.  Some assignments may seem it would only take an hour to do, but in reality, it would probably take a lot more.  

Procrastination is a huge issue among students, so I would recommend setting due dates for assignments yourself.  

Example: if you have a project due next week, on your calendar, mark the due date 2 or 3 days earlier.  This will train your brain into thinking it's due earlier than what your teacher/professor assigned to you, and you would have more time reviewing your work.

If you did badly on quizzes or homework, write down the problems you missed and find similar problems online to do.  This will help you with future tests.

Always ask for extra credit if you have time, don't overwork yourself.  Every point counts.  

If you need to stay up multiple times in a row, take vitamins to boost your mood and create multiple alarms; alarms will alert you awake.  

If you have an uncooperative partner(s), always tell your teacher.  You are not their pet.

Always respect your teacher, even the rude ones.  This could benefit you in the future if you need any additional help or credit.

High school is hard and quite useless in terms of real-world problems, but it serves great as a back-up; anyone who drops out of school rarely succeeds.

I hope my advice helps you in the near future!

Theories about why the Roman Empire declined include all of the following EXCEPTa. decline of old values.
c. plague.
b. Christianity.
d. tidal wave.


a because the roman empire was split into two 

What is GDP class 10​



GrossDomestic product (GDP)is the total monetory value of all the final goods and services produced with in the geographic boundaries of a country, during a given period (usyally a year)