Which statement best completes the diagram?Muslim Beliefs
Muslims should fast during Ramadan,
Muslims should give to charity.
A. Muslims should believe in many different gods.

B. Muslims should make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

C. Muslims should never study in schools.

D. Muslims should pray only during holy months.


Answer 1

The statement that best completes the diagram is Muslims should make a pilgrimage to Mecca. Therefore, option B is correct.

The five pillars of Islam are the five basic tenets of Islam that all Muslims are expected to follow. They are as follows:

Shahada - the declaration of faith

Salah - prayer

Sawm - fasting during Ramadan

Zakat - giving to charity

Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca

Pilgrimage to Mecca is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is a journey that all Muslims are expected to make at least once in their lifetime if they are able to. The pilgrimage is a time for Muslims to come together and worship Allah.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about Pilgrimage, follow the link:



Answer 2




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She was born 1820....she first escaped in 1849


She was 30 years old


She escaped in 1849. She was born in 1819.


Hope it helped

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Inalienable right, is the right answer.


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Congress voted to impeach President Johnson.