A basketball with a mass of 0.80 kg is accelerated with a force of 16.0 N. If resisting forces are ignored, what is the acceleration of the basketball to the nearest m/s2?


Answer 1


Acceleration = 20 m/s2

Further explanation:

16 N = 0.80 kg x acceleration

Acceleration = 20 m/s2

Answer 2
Answer: Force (F) = mass (M) x acceleration (a)
F= 16.0 N
M= 0.80kg
a= ??

16.0 = 0.80 x a
___ ______
0.80 0.80

a= 20 m/s^2

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The minimum eccentricity would be zero.  


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Funny that you should ask. This week, I would definitely use radio waves, specifically the 5.8 GHz unlicensed microwave band, because I just happen to have a complete terminal for that service ... including the dish antenna ... in the back seat of my car, until I can set up a meeting with its rightful caretakers and get rid of it.

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Hope this helps!

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I have that problem, the only thing that helps me is to look at someone I know, like my parents or my sister or grandma etc. and don't think about what other people might think about you.
So good luck.

I hope this helps you.

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An atom that loses a electron is called a cation and has an overall positive charge.