Which branch of the u.s government has the power to declare laws constitutional or unconstitutional


Answer 1
Answer: the judicial branch does that

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A. Conflict diamonds are diamonds that are sold to raise funds for war


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A. diamonds that are sold to raise funds for war 

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C. 23

There were 23 people who were executed that are innocent of convicted crimes since 1900.


C. 23


Executions and death sentences in the United States have remained at a historical low.

Since 1900, 23 people have been executed in one of the countries where the death penalty still prevails. The fall in the number of executions has to do with published data that reveal that 90% of the executions involved people with "significant evidence" of being in one of these groups: mental illness, intellectual disability, brain damage, severe trauma and in some cases, the group of the innocents.

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Thank you for posting your question here at brainly. I hope the answer will help you. Feel free to ask more questions.

Topic, restatement, and illustration; problem and solution; and question and answer are types of 3 Types of paragraphs:
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The Due Process Clause guarantees thata. the National Government will not interfere with constitutional rights.
b. States are not bound by their State constitutions in matters of individual rights.
c. States will not deny people any basic or essential liberties.
d. State governments will police the National Government.


The "Due Process Clause" protects the people ( so not the States from the Federal Government or from following their constitutions), from the government behaving in a way that violates their civil rights.
So the correct answer is: c. States will not deny people any basic or essential liberties.  (This holds also for the national government)

Final answer:

The Due Process Clause, present within both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, guarantees that the government will not deny people any basic or essential liberties and will follow fair procedures when enforcing laws.


The Due Process Clause is a legal principle in the Constitution of the United States. It guarantees that the government (national or state) cannot deprive people of their life, liberty, or property without following fair procedures. Thus, the correct answer to your question would be option c: States will not deny people any basic or essential liberties.

This clause is present in both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution. The Fifth Amendment applies this principle to the federal government, whereas the Fourteenth Amendment extends it to state governments. It ensures that laws must be applied fair and equally to everyone, and the government must respect all legal rights of individuals while enforcing laws.

Learn more about the Due Process Clause here:
