The following directions are found at the beginning of a cookbook:1. Always use Pillsbury's Best Flour.

2. Sift flour twice before adding to cakes or breakfast cakes.

3. Make all measurements level by using edge of knife to lightly scrape off from top of cup or spoon until material is even with the edges.

4. Use same sized cups or spoons in measuring for the same recipe.

5. Before starting to make recipe, read through carefully, then put on table all the materials and tools needed in making that particular recipe.

Based on the passage, the word LEVEL used in #3 most likely means make sure all measurements are the same size. get rid of any excess ingredients. scrape spilled ingredients off the counter. fill the measuring cups to the edge.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is d to fill the measuring cups to the edge
Answer 2

Final answer:

The term 'level', in this cooking context, refers to removing any excess ingredients so that what remains is exactly even with the edge of the measuring cup or spoon.


In the directions provided at the beginning of the cookbook, the word 'level', as used in statement #3, most likely refers to the act of getting rid of any excess ingredients beyond the edge of the measuring cup or spoon.

This is accomplished by using the edge of a knife to lightly scrape off the excess, ensuring the material is flush or 'level' with the edges of the cup or spoon. This technique ensures accurate measurements while baking.

Learn more about Vocabulary comprehension here:


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Profits fell, but that was not the story the leaders of the company were telling.


Because to some people it could have seemed to them that the story fell as to speak.

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Pleassssss help me I need the answer faster. Choose the verb form Complete the

If you ask your teacher,
(B) would
(C) would have
(D) had

1. If Peter.................a driving Iicense,
he would buy a car.
(A) have
(B) has
(C) had
(D) had had

2. If All had finished his homework in time, he.............. and visited his aunt.
(A) will go
(B) would go
(C) would have gone
(D) had had gone

3. You would be healthier if you............... a balanced diet.
(A) would have
(B) had
(C) have
(D) had had

4. If I were you, I................ tell him.
(A) won't
(B) wouldn't
(C) wouldn t have
(D) didn't

5. Yahya wouldnt have learnt French if he...................... in Paris for two years.
(A) didn t live
(B) had lived
(C) hadn't lived
(D) wouldn't have lived

6. Rashid...................... on a trip if he
hadn't been busy.
(A) will go
(B) would go
(C) would have gone
(D) went

7. More tourists will come to Oman if we.......................... more
(A) advertise
(B) will advertise
(C) would advertise
(D) would have advertised

8. If........................ more free time,
wOuld have started to learn another
A) have
(B) had
(C) had had
D) would have

9. If I buy a new phone, I....................the old one to my little sister.
(A) give
(B) will give
(C) would give
(D) would have given

10. If hot, we would
have gone to the beach.
(A) wasnt
(B) was
(C) had been
(D) hadn t been




Would go


Had lived

Would have gone

Will advertise

The eighth one does not make sense

Will give


Hope this helps...

Even though the eighth answer is not there...

But I hope this helps u..... :)