A pea plant with round seeds (Rr) is crossbred with another pea plant with wrinkled seeds (rr). What is the probability of offspring having wrinkled seeds ? A. 25% B. 75% C. 50&


Answer 1


C = 50%


Given that Rr is for round seed

rr is for wrinkled seed

A cross between the two will be,

Rr × rr


Rr Rr rr rr


2 round pea

2: wrinkled pea

There fore,

2+2=4 the total genotypic ratio

For wrinkled pea we have 2

2/4×100 =50% of wrinkled seeds

Answer 2

Answer: 50%


you have to make the chart

R. r

r Rr. rr

r Rr. rr

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Hi Katie

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I hope that's help !