Why do you think Bly's editor told her to describe what she found no matter how positive or negative it may be?


Answer 1


This is because, as a journalist, she owed the public the duty to report the truth free from personal bias or opinions.


Nellie Bly was a famous journalist in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. She was especially known for going under cover or disguising her self, to obtain sensitive information. Her editor at the Newspapers establishment she worked in, encouraged her to write up things as she finds them; good or bad, and to write the truth at all times.

This instruction must have been given as this was a basic requirement for every excellent journalist. Unbiased, true, and accurate reports are among the required and fundamental ethics of the job.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Bly's editor advised her to describe what she found, whether positive or negative, to maintain credibility and objectivity.


The editor told Bly to describe what she found, regardless of whether it was positive or negative, in order to maintain credibility and objectivity in her journalistic work. By being honest in her evaluations and not favoring any particular author or publisher, Bly could offer unbiased reviews that readers could trust.

Learn more about journalistic work here:



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Write a five- sentence paragraph using chronological order about getting ready for work in the morning... or write an 8 sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic 1-drunk driving can be stopped or
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please and thank you :) <3


It is 7.30 o'clock. The alarm clock rings and you wake up. You get dressed, brush your teeth, have your breakfast and leave home. At 8.10 you take a bus to the work and after 45 minutes you arrive to your workplace. You clock in, smile at the reception and begin your casual day at work.

Final answer:

A five-sentence paragraph using chronological order about getting ready for work in the morning.


Writing a five-sentence paragraph using chronological order about getting ready for work in the morning:

  1. First, I wake up and turn off my alarm clock.
  2. Next, I get out of bed and brush my teeth.
  3. After that, I take a shower and get dressed in my work clothes.
  4. Then, I make breakfast and pack my lunch for the day.
  5. Finally, I grab my bag and head out the door to catch my bus or drive to work.

Learn more about getting ready for work here:



Choose the connective that best completes the following sentence. Everyone appeared to be having a good time. _______, my impressions may have been wrong.a. In other words
b. In fact
c. Of course
d. Furthermore


Everyoneappeared to be having a good time. In fact, my impressions may have been wrong. Connectivesare used in the sentence to ‘connect’ one idea to another or illustratesuccessions or chronology of the actions.

Connectives uses chronological wordsto represent things in order. Like a history write up from a certain happeningyears ago.  It could also be used inprocedural essays because these are essays which give instructions of certainset up to guide the person accordingly in doing something to make it moreaccurate. Like recipes, instructions in playing, etc. Example words that areused in chronological words are first, second, third, fourth, fifth, next,after, then, lastly, finally, consequently, in addition, thus, therefore,however, etc.

The answer is C. Of course

How has Google changed our lives? in one paragraph


Google has changed our lives in a bad manner.Before google people used to do research by reading a book now they go to google for every little question they have,so now people are starting to lose knowledge after just minutes because they cannot retain information that they have not found their selves when you find information your self it instils itself in your brain and you dont forget it very easily.

Consequently, neither congress nor the president would support the proposal and its heavy cost. what word in the sentence is the coordinating conjunction?


The coordinating conjunction in the above sentence is "nor". A coordinating conjunction is a word that connects phrases, clauses and words. There are only 7 coordinating conjunctions. They are best remembered by using the acronym FANBOYS:
F = for
A = and
N = nor
B = but 
O = or
Y = yet
S = soThe important thing to remember is that a coordinating conjunction gives equal emphasis to both clauses, phrases and words in a sentence. It is also important to remember to add the correct punctuation between the clauses and the coordinating conjuction





May I have the brainliest please

A. Pawn
B. Queen
C. King
D. Knight








               ✌ -ZYLYNN JADE ARDENNE

An active verb is: a. a verb that causes the subject to perform the action. b. a verb that causes the subject to receive the action. c. a verb that is used for sports writing d. a verb that indicates reaction


In active sentences the thing doing the action would be the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. So I would think A would be the best choice.


Good  job  it’s a
