Is 14.5% equivalent to the decimal 14.5


Answer 1
Answer: No, because 14.5% would actually be .145 as a decimal. When you move the decimal two spaces to the left it equals .145 and not 14.5
Answer 2
Answer: Just take 14.5 divided by 100 and so that should equal 0.145 and im pretty sure that that would be 14.5%

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A search engine will help you find information on the Internet
A search engine will help you find information on the Internet 

Answer C

Which personal pronoun correctly completes the sentence? What is its use? Because so many leaves had fallen, their parents helped .................. rake the yard.a. They; indirect object
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D. Them; indirect object 

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 The external conflict is between Rainsford and General Zaroff.  This conflict is most clear when Zaroff is hunting Rainsford.  Rainsford, in order to live, must outwit Zaroff.  This is obviously a conflict.  There was also a lesser conflict as Rainsford resisted Zaroff's efforts to get him to be a hunter.

The internal conflict is within Rainsford as he is being hunted.  He is having to fight with himself to keep himself from despairing and giving up.  His situation seems hopeless and so it is hard for him to keep fighting for his life.

source: I read the book

We all enjoyed ourselves when we went to the Fourth of July picnic. The subordinate clause is.



The subordinate clause is: "when we went to the Fourth of July picnic."


A subordinate, or dependent clause, does not express a full idea on its own. It needs the information expressed by the main clause in order to make sense. Thus, if we only said or wrote "when we went to the Fourth of July picnic", the listener or reader would be curious to know what happened.

Besides that, a subordinate clause is formed by a subject and a verb, and it starts with a relative pronoun or a subordinate conjunction (in this case, "when").

when we went to the fourth of july picnic

Which sentence is a run-on sentence? A. Ostrich eggs are huge and weigh about three pounds each. B. Pigs are intelligent they can be taught tricks. C. Coyotes are nomads; they usually travel alone. D. Opossums move very slowly and can be caught easily.


B, pigs are intelligent... the others seem to run on, but have conjunctions
B. Pigs are intelligent they can be taught tricks. There are two sentences that aren't joined with conjunctions or semicolons.
It would be a sentence if they said, " Pigs are intelligent and they can be taught tricks"

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Linguistic semantics deals primarily with the meaning of words. It usually deals with the relations of the signifiers such as symbols, words, phrases and signs. The study of semantics includes syntax, etymology, lexicology, pragmatics and others. Lexicology is the study of symbol’s function and nature. Syntax is the study of principles and processes. Etymology is the study of word’s origin and pragmatic is the study of ways of meaning’s contextual contribution. According to research linguistic semantics contrast with syntax.


