Why was America important to both sides in the conflict between England and France, and what role did the Americans hope to play in the struggle?"


Answer 1
Answer: The Americas were important to both England and France throughout the 17th, 18th and into the 19th centuries. The two countries fought one another in two major conflicts at this time including the Seven Years' War (called the French and Indian War) as well as the American Revolution. During the French and Indian War there were territorial disputes between England and France who vied for control of important fur trading lands outside of the original 13 colonies and the prestige and power that came from having territorial control in the Americas at that time. Also during the American Revolution the French fought on the side of the colonists to weaken Britain both in there territorial claims of land in the Americas as well as their power in the European continent. 

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What are your tips on being funny?
Thank you, only real answers please guys.



- Train yourself to be mindful of the atmosphere when you talk with people. Sometimes jokes, however good, aren't funny because they aren't needed or appreciated

- Don't take a joke too far, if you've made a funny comment, trying to milk every second of laughter out of it can ruin the entire thing

- Make sure people know you're being funny

- Know who is decent enough to take a good joke and who isn't

- Many good jokes are the relatable kind

- Laugh

- Know when a joke is needed

- Like anything, being funny takes practice. Find opportunities to try it out

- Have a good time too. Realize when you're not in the mood, because if you aren't, you won't be funny either

Good luck mate

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Concerns about the actions of member nations is the one among following that would not be discussed at UN meetings. the correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "c". The United Nations has been created by a group of countries for maintaining global peace. 

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The capital of the Byzantine Empire was Constantinople, named after Emperor Constantin who moved the capital of the Roman empire there from Rome.

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Hope I helped.

If you ever find yourself in the midst of executing an infinite loop, you can break out by holding down the ____ key and pressing the C key or the Break (Pause) key.



"Ctrl" key


in Visual C#, when you discover that you are in the midst of executing an infinite loop, which means the loop is executing endless due to any reason, you can break out of the loop by holding down the CTRL key and then press the C key or the Break or Pause key. This simply closes the frame that is hosting the program having an infinite loop.