Some political theorists might argue that individual rights must, at times, be sacrificed to promote what?


Answer 1
Answer: Some political theorists might argue that individual rights must, at times, be sacrificed to promote the common good of a community usually in regards to the security and safety of this community. In times of emergency political theorists might assert that individual rights cannot be protected to the same degree as in normal times because it is necessary for the state to use all measures possible to protect a certain population. 

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What year did georgia add the 12th grade for schools?


//////The answer is 1950/////

Final answer:

Georgia added the 12th grade to its school system in 1945 in order to emphasize education more and to align with the educational structure of other states.


The state of Georgia officially added the 12th grade to its education system in the year 1945. Before this year, high school in Georgia typically ended with the 11th grade. This change was made due to an increased emphasis on education and also to align Georgia's school system with the systems in other states, where high school was commonly a four-year endeavor, from grades 9 to 12. The addition of the 12th grade intended to further prepare students for college and future careers.

Learn more about Adding 12th Grade here:


Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe William Penn George III. t/f


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