How might human activities affect the matter cycle


Answer 1
Answer: If you have a spill of oil that is leaking but slowly, a human sees it and say I going to take a pump and pump the oil up. He/She just affected the matter cycle, that is one way. Humans creating more pollution that is another.  

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(JAVA PLS)Your job in this assignment is to write a program that takes a message as a string and reduces the number of characters it uses in two different set ways. The first thing your program will do is ask the user to type a message which will be stored as a String. The String entered should be immediately converted to lowercase as this will make processing much easier. You will then apply two different algorithms to shorten the data contained within the String.

Algorithm 1

This algorithm creates a string from the message in which every vowel (a, e, i, o, and u) is removed unless the vowel is at the very start of a word (i.e., it is preceded by a space or is the first letter of the message). Every repeated non-vowel character is also removed from the new string (i.e., if a character appears several times in a row it should only appear once at that location). So for example the string "I will arrive in Mississippi really soon" becomes "i wl arv in mssp rly sn".

After applying this algorithm, your program should output the shortened message, the number of vowels removed, the number of repeated non-vowel characters removed, and how much shorter the shortened message is than the original message. The exact format in which the program should print this information is shown in the sample runs.

Algorithm 2

This algorithm creates a string by taking each unique character in the message in the order they first appear and putting that letter and the number of times it appears in the original message into the shortened string. Your algorithm should ignore any spaces in the message, and any characters which it has already put into the shortened string. For example, the string "I will arrive in Mississippi really soon" becomes "8i1w4l2a3r1v2e2n1m5s2p1y2o".

After applying this algorithm, your program should output the shortened message, the number of different characters appearing, and how much shorter the shortened message is than the original message. The exact format in which the program should print this information is shown in the sample runs.

Sample Run 1
Type the message to be shortened
This message could be a little shorter

Algorithm 1
Vowels removed: 11
Repeats removed: 2
Algorithm 1 message: ths msg cld b a ltl shrtr
Algorithm 1 characters saved: 13

Algorithm 2
Unique characters found: 15
Algorithm 2 message: 4t2h2i4s1m5e2a1g1c2o1u3l1d1b2r
Algorithm 2 characters saved: 8
Sample Run 2
Type the message to be shortened
I will arrive in Mississippi really soon

Algorithm 1
Vowels removed: 11
Repeats removed: 6
Algorithm 1 message: i wl arv in mssp rly sn
Algorithm 1 characters saved: 17

Algorithm 2
Unique characters found: 13
Algorithm 2 message: 8i1w4l2a3r1v2e2n1m5s2p1y2o
Algorithm 2 characters saved: 14


import java.util.Scanner;

public class JavaApplication54 {

   public static int appearance(String word, char letter){

       int count = 0;

       for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){

           if (word.charAt(i) == letter){




       return count;


   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Type the message to be shortened");

       String message = scan.nextLine();

       message = message.toLowerCase();

       int volCount = 0, repCount = 0, num = 0;

       char prevC = ' ';

       String vowels = "aeiou";

       String newMessage = "";

       for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++){

           char c = message.charAt(i);


           if (vowels.indexOf(c) != -1 && prevC == ' '){

               newMessage += c;


           else if (vowels.indexOf(c) == -1 && prevC != c){

               newMessage += c;


           else if (vowels.indexOf(c) != -1){

               volCount ++;





            prevC = c;


       System.out.println("Algorithm 1");

       System.out.println("Vowels removed: "+volCount);

       System.out.println("Repeats removed: "+repCount);

       System.out.println("Algorithm 1 message: "+newMessage);

       System.out.println("Algorithm 1 characters saved: "+(message.length() - newMessage.length()));


       String uniqueMessage = "";


       for (int i = 0; i<message.length(); i++){

           char w = message.charAt(i);

           if (uniqueMessage.indexOf(w)== -1 && w!=' '){

               uniqueMessage += appearance(message,w)+""+w;




       System.out.println("Algorithm 2");

       System.out.println("Unique characters found: "+num);

       System.out.println("Algorithm 2 message: "+uniqueMessage);

       System.out.println("Algorithm 2 characters saved: "+(message.length() - uniqueMessage.length()));




I hope this helps!

Which payment method typically charges the highest interest rates everfi


The answer is Payday loans.

Payday loans have the highest interest rates charged compared to credit cards, cashier's checks, and pre-paid cards. This type of loan is unsecured and is short -term. It is often called salary loan, payroll loan, or commonly known as cash advance loan.

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What we have to tell please tell clearly.

Forensic scientists generally photograph and sketch a computer and its components during their analysis? True or false


This is considered true sir 
Im going with true as well as he said

A browser allows you to set preferences for using the browser. These preferences include all of the following excepta. creating cookies.
b. storing a message.
c. setting alerts.
d. setting security levels.


storing the message is not included in it