How many different gametes can an RRYy parent form?


Answer 1

An RRYy parent can form four different gametes: RY, Ry, rY, and ry.

What are gametes?

Gametes are reproductive cells that are responsible for the genetic makeup of offspring. In animals, these cells are known as sperm and eggs, and in plants, they are known as pollen and ovules.

Gametes contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell, allowing for genetic recombination and diversity in offspring during sexual reproduction.

Learn more about gametes, here:


Answer 2
Answer: A RRYy parent can form two different gametes - RY and Ry.

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When gametes combine to form a zygote, the chromosomes number of the zygote is now referred to asa. diploid.
b. haploid.
c. monoploid.
d. polyploid.


a. diploid

Fertilization is the combined sperm and egg cell to form a zygote.
Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation because the sperm and egg that are produced contain different combinations of genes than the parent organism.  Sexual reproduction involves meiosis which is the process of a cell doubling its DNA, shuffling its genes and then dividing the shuffled DNA among four cells.


The correct answer is a. diploid.


Gametes are haploid entity which contains one genome or one complete set of chromosome a particular organisms. Gametes are represented by (n) and are produce as a result of meiosis in the germ cells during gametogenesis. Fusion or fertilization of a male and a female gamete results into one celled structure called zygote.  The zygote receives two genomes one each from a male gamete and a female gametes. Thus, a zygote contains two sets of chromosomes. ( n+n) = 2n or diploid.  

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The answer is

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Your Answer:-  Graphite

Hope i helped ya!! xD
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