Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb tener.La hija (tener) __________ siete años.

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You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed:
á é í ó ú ñ Á É Í Ó Ú ¿ ¡ (1 point)

Question 2

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb tener.

Nosotros (tener) __________ una familia pequeña.

When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect.

You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed:
á é í ó ú ñ Á É Í Ó Ú ¿ ¡ (1 point)

Question 3

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb tener.

Tú (tener) __________ una familia grande.

When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect.

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Answer 1

1. Right answer:

La hija tiene siete años

tiene is the conjugation of the verb tener for the third person singular in the simple present. We use this tense to talk about habitual actions or routines. This tense is also used to describe things that happen now or in the near future. Also, la hija can be replaced by the subject pronoun for the third person singular (feminine form), which is ella. In English:

The daughter is seven years old

2. Right answer:

Nosotros tenemos una familia pequeña.

tenemos is the conjugation of the verb tener for the first person plural in the simple present. This person matches the subject pronoun nosotros, whose translation is we. So, our family is large. We can translate this sentence in English as the following statement:

We have a large family

3. Right answer:

tienes una familia grande.

tienes is the conjugation of the verb tener for the second person singular in the simple present. This person matches the subject pronoun tú, whose translation is you. So, your family is large. We can translate this sentence in English as the following statement:

You have a large family

Answer 2
Answer: The first one is "tiene" it means "has" 

the second one is "tenemos" it means "we have"

and the last one is "tienes" it means "you have"

Hope this helped

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Lee y escoge la opción con la forma condicional correcta del verbo para completar la frase. Read and choose the option with the correct conditional tense of the verb to complete the sentence. He trabajado en la misma compañía por 20 años. Si yo fuera la jefa, los empleados _______ un sueldo mejor. ganaría ganabas ganarían ganaban

¿Qué hacía tu mamá o papá cuando él o ella tenía cinco años? Please do not answer improperly!


I have 2 answers: 
1. Como ellos no tenian tecnologia en esa epoca, ellos podian jugar con juegos de mesa. Tambien ellos podian ir a la escuela para aprender. (Since they didn't have sorts of technology, they could play with board games. Also tey can go to school to learn)
2. (If you are asking for a translation) ¿Qué hacía tu mamá o papá cuando él o ella tenía cinco años? = What did your mom or dad do when he or she was five years?

Hope this is helpful 

Eran muy poco, y sólo el aprendizaje escolar. 

Más alta que tan alta como menor que mayor que mejor que peor que tan saludable(healthy) como más larga que A) La comida frita es ________ la asada(roasted) para la salud(health). B) La leche es ________ la soda para la salud(health). C) La serpiente es________el pollito. D) El pescado es ________ el pollo para la salud. E) Carlos tiene 10 años y Alejandro tiene 17 años. Carlos es ______ Alejandro. F) La jirafa es _________ la gallina. G) La cebra es _______el caballo. H) Sofia tiene 6 años y Marisol tiene 9 años. Marisol es ______ Sofia. Select the right expression to complete the sentences.


The right expression is bolded in each sentence and the sentence is then translated into English so you understand what it means.

A) La comida frita es peor que la asada(roasted) para la salud(health).

  • Fried food is worse than roasted for your health.

B) La leche es mejor que la soda para la salud(health).

  • Milk is better than soda for your health.

C) La serpiente más larga que es el pollito.

  • The snake is longer than the chicken.

D) El pescado es tan saludable como el pollo para la salud.

  • Fish is as healthy as chicken for your health.

E) Carlos tiene 10 años y Alejandro tiene 17 años. Carlos es menor queAlejandro.

  • Carlos is 10 years old and Alejandro is 17 years old. Carlos is younger than Alejandro.

F) La jirafa es más alta que la gallina.

  • The giraffe is taller than the chicken.

G) La cebra es tan alta comoel caballo.

  • The zebra is as tall as the horse.

H) Sofia tiene 6 años y Marisol tiene 9 años. Marisol es mayor que Sofia.

  • Sofia is 6 years old and Marisol is 9 years old. Marisol is older than Sofia.


The correct comparative form in each case is:

A) La comida frita es peor que la asada para la salud.

B) La leche es mejor que la soda para la salud(health).

C) La serpiente es más larga queel pollito.

D) El pescado es tan saludable como el pollo para la salud.

E) Carlos tiene 10 años y Alejandro tiene 17 años. Carlos es menor que Alejandro.

F) La jirafa es más alta que la gallina.

G) La cebra es tan alta como el caballo.

H) Sofia tiene 6 años y Marisol tiene 9 años. Marisol es mayor que Sofia.


The translation of the sentences is:

A) Fried food is worse than roasted for health.

B) Milk is better than soda for health.

C) The snake is longer than the chick.

D) Fish is as healthy as chicken for health.

E) Carlos is 10 years old and Alejandro is 17 years old. Carlos is younger than Alejandro.

F) The giraffe is taller than the chicken.

G) The zebra is as tall as the horse.

H) Sofia is 6 years old and Marisol is 9 years old. Marisol is older than Sofia.

You can regularly make three types of comparisons:

  • Comparisons of inferiority: where it is mentioned that a noun is inferior in one characteristic than another.
  • Comparisons of equality: where it is mentioned that two nouns are equal in a given characteristic.
  • Comparisons of superiority: where it is mentioned that a noun is superior to another in a particular characteristic.

As you can see in the English translation, in each case the type of comparison was used to maintain the meaning of the sentence, for which they were chosen.

How do you say they have fished in Spanish (present perfect tense)


- ellos están pescando (present)

- ellos pescaron el jueves (past)

Helppp with B. please




Clara es...

B. de Peru

1. Somos
2. Esta
3. Es
4. Esta
5. Eres
6. Esta
7. Es, esta and son.
8. Estamos, son
9. Soy, estoy
10. Son estan
11. Eres, estas
12. Esta, es
Hope this helps!!!

Fill in the blank with the correct indirect object pronoun. Yo ____ escribí una carta a mis abuelos ayer.


Fill in the blank with the correct indirect object pronoun. Yo ____ escribí una carta a mis abuelos ayer.​

Answer : Yo les escribí una carta ayer.​

Explanation :The indirect object in this sentence is "mis abuelos", that is plural, so the indirect object pronoun has to be plural too: "les" means "a ellos".​

Hope this helps!​​​​​


(1) El torneo de natación ____ el verano pasado.a. terminó
b. terminaba
c. terminé
(2) Cuando era pequeña (yo) ____ todos los programas infantiles.
a. vi
b. vieron
c. veía
(3) Daniel ____ todas sus cosas y se fue.
a. recogió
b. recogíais
c. recogíais
(4) Hace tres años que (nosotros) ____ esta casa.
a. comprábamos
b. compramos
c. compraron
(5) De niño me ____ jugar en el patio de mi casa con mis compañeros de clase.
a. encantó
b. encanté
c. encantaba
(7) _________ cuando ellos _________a la calle.
(8) Cuando (yo) _________ a la tienda ya _________ cerrada.
(9) De repente (yo) _________ de que (yo) _________ deberes.
(10) Normalmente yo _________mientras mi madre _________



1. terminó

2. veía

3. recogió

4. compramos

5. encantaba

7. Llovía, salieron

8. llegué, estaba

9. recordé, tenía

10. corría, veía


The Simple Preterite indicates an enunciated action that is considered finished. It applies to actions completed in the past that are not necessarily related to the factual status of the present situation.

It is used in Spanish to express:  actions that take place at a certain moment in the past in a timely manner or a new action that occurs in the past and that interrupts a course of action that was already in progress and that is expressed in the past tense.

On the other hand, the imperfect past tense of the indicative describes an action or state in the past whose time limits are not relevant, that is, a grammatical time of the past with a grammatical aspect. It is used in Spanish to express courses of past actions whose beginning and end are not specified