What states made up the upper south?


Answer 1
Answer: North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, and West Virginia.

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I think war is justifiable

- if there is an attack on one's territory: so when Germany attacked Poland in 1939, it was justified for Poland to lead a war against Germany

- if NOT leading a war would lead to more victims... so for example sometimes a war to stop a genocide is justifiable

What attracted settlers to Georgia


settlers were attracted to the peace and harmony with the Indians and the colonies
Also it was considered a haven for debtors. Back then you could be thrown in jail if you owed too much money. This would pretty much kill you family because the wife wasnt allowed to work and neither were the kids. If you were in debt and went to Georgia, you would have a clean slate and would not be thrown in jail

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Gandhi's response was to hold a satyagraha [holding to the truth], a campaign of civil disobedience expressed in nonviolent resistance to what he regarded as unjust laws. He organized his first while in South Africa in 1907. 

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There are several ways in which the natives defied white settlements, but in general they would practice both violent resistance and refusing to trade with them. 

By taking gold from settlers

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Congress is composed of two separate chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives.