Anita's grandfather recently passed away. Anita's family arranged a ceremony to honor him in which people can view his body before he is buried. This ceremony is called a service


Answer 1
Answer: It is called a funeral
Answer 2
Answer: Viewing before the funeral is called a wake. The answer is C or choice 3.

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wow im really late but here you go:(
Well, Steroids and fats are both lipids and are both hydrophobic because there both non polar. And Differences are that they serve different functions in the body because fat is used for energy and fat soluble nutrient storage where steroids steroids effect neurotransmission. Hope this helps a lot

Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in


Developing skill-related components of fitnesswill result in improvements in sport-specific performances. The differentskill-related components of fitness are: agility, balance, coordination, speed,power, and reaction time. Professional athletes are known to excel in all ofthese areas.
In order foran individual to gradually develop these skills, he/she must include specificactivities that suit each component. If an individual wants to improve agilityin basketball, he can practice through running around cone drills. This isbecause agility is the ability of the body to change directions from one pointto another. The same goes if an individual wants to improve balance ingymnastics, he/she must perform more routines on balance beams to develop thisskill. 

Thetraining program should always be sport-specific, meaning what the athlete issupposed to do exactly in a game, in order to develop the differentskill-related components of fitness.

Final answer:

Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in improved performance and reduced risk of injuries.


Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in improved performance in activities that require these specific skills. These components include agility, speed, power, coordination, balance, and reaction time. For example, a basketball player who works on improving their agility and coordination will be able to move more quickly and efficiently on the court, leading to better performance in the game.

By developing these skills, athletes can enhance their overall athletic abilities and excel in their chosen sport or activity. These skill-related components of fitness are important for athletes in many different sports, such as soccer, gymnastics, martial arts, and track and field.

In addition to improving performance, developing these skill-related components of fitness can also help prevent injuries. For instance, a soccer player who has good balance and coordination will be less likely to trip or fall during a game, reducing the risk of sprains or fractures. Therefore, it is crucial for athletes to focus on developing these skills in order to maximize their potential and minimize the risk of injuries.

Learn more about Skill-related components of fitness here:


If a cell has 46 chromosomes, how many will it have after meiosis? A. 92 B. 46 C. 12 D. 23


D. 23 because after meiosis the daughter cells become haploid (half the original number of chromosomes as parent cell)

Explain the levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.


The lower the level of the pyramid, the more important the needs are. On the most bottom part, you will see physiological needs such as the need for food and water, for shelter and for warmth, while higher up at the top you'll see things such as being esteemed as someone great or being successful at what you do. Those thing are higher because they rare less important for us than physiological needs.

Final answer:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. It includes physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization. Each level of needs becomes relevant once the preceding levels are sufficiently met.


The Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a model proposed by a psychologist named Abraham Maslow that outlines the motivational needs of humans. Generally depicted as a pyramid, this model comprises of five levels, each representing different types of needs.

At the base of the pyramid, we have Physiological Needs which include the most basic needs for survival such as food, water, and shelter. Following that are Safety Needs, which involve the desire for security and stability. Then comes Belongingness and Love Needs which pertain to the desire for interpersonal relationships and feelings of belongingness. The fourth level is known as Esteem Needs, referring to the need for self-respect, confidence, and recognition from others. Finally, at the top of the pyramid is the need for Self-Actualization, which equates to achieving one's full potential and is realized only after fulfilling the lower needs on the pyramid.

The importance of each of these needs varies from person to person, and the hierarchy also allows for the concept that a higher need may sometimes serve as a motivation before a lower need is fully met. The concept of Self-Actualization remains a key element in the humanistic approach to psychology.

Learn more about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs here:


Is responsible for accrediting hospitals and evaluating their quality of patient care


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What essential nutrient can increase urinary excretion of calcium if consumed in excess?


The answer is magnesium

In healthy children , the amount of urinary excretion of calcium is about 2.38 +/- 0.66 (SD; no   =52) ,mg/kg in about 24 hour.

Over consumption of magnesium can cause the number spike in significant number