How did mutinies affect the French and Russian army?


Answer 1
Answer: Mutinies in both the French and Russian armies (and navies) set each nation back significantly because it diminished their fighting force and decreased soldier moral.
Answer 2
Answer: I'm assuming you're referring to mutinies by soldiers that occurred during The Great War, which later became known as World War I.  

Men of the French army essentially decided to stop obeying orders and would not participate in any more futile attacks on the enemy.
An especially costly assault was launched by General Robert Nivelle, Commander of the French Army, in April 1917.  120,000 French soldiers lay dead after ten days and no ground had been gained.  After that, various regiments of the French army began to refuse to obey orders for further attacks.  About half of the French army ultimately participated in the mutiny.

In Russia, soldiers mutinied by participating in the Russian Revolution that toppled Tsar Nicholas II from power. 
In February, 1917, the Cossack cavalry refused to shoot (as ordered) on protesting workers in Petrograd.  The tsar's military governor in Petrograd issued orders to other military regiments to shoot any protesters who would not disperse, but many of the other soldiers refused such orders also, and mutiny spread.  By March 2, 1917, Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate his position as ruler of Russia.

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C. The king could give nobles land
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The reason nobles in medieval Europe would want to protect and serve the king is C. The king could give nobles land

Why did nobles protect the king ?

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In addition to giving nobles land and knights, the king could also grant them other privileges, such as the right to collect tolls or to hold their own courts. These privileges could be very valuable to a noble.

Find out more on nobles at


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Why would nobles in medieval Europe want to protect and serve the king?

Nobles in medieval Europe would want to protect and serve the king because the king could grant them land as a form of reward and recognition. Landownership was a primary source of wealth and power in medieval society, and kings could bestow land, known as fiefs, to loyal nobles in exchange for their service and loyalty.

This system, known as feudalism, was a fundamental aspect of medieval European society, and it bound nobles to the king in a hierarchical structure where they provided military service and support in exchange for land and protection.

Learn more about medieval Europe at


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water power to run machines, rivers for transportation of goods, & natural resources for production.

Final answer:

Baines cites technological advancements, availability of natural resources, and growth of population and urbanization as factors of industrialization.


In the reading, Baines cites several factors of industrialization. Some of these factors include technological advancements such as the invention of new machinery and steam power, which allowed for increased production and efficiency. Another factor is the availability of natural resources such as coal and iron, which were essential for manufacturing and construction. Additionally, Baines mentions the growth of population and urbanization as factors that fueled industrialization by providing a larger labor force and creating demand for goods.

Learn more about Factors of industrialization here: