Why does the constitution divide power between the national and state government


Answer 1
Answer: Why does the Constitution divide power between the national and state governments? It gives the national government certain specified powers, reserving all other powers to the states or to the people. ... The national government also will respect territorial integrity of each state.

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The Roosevelt Corollary, issued in 1904, was a revision to the Monroe Doctrine.


The Roosevelt corollary was a substantial amendment to the Monroe Doctrine by the President Theodore Roosevelt. In its altered state, the Monroe Doctrine now considered Latin America and the Caribbean as territory to expand the commercial interests of the United States in the region, in addition to its original purpose, to maintain European hegemony outside the hemisphere.

This amendment stated that if a Latin American or Caribbean country that was under the influence of the United States threatened or endangered the rights or property of US citizens or companies, the US government was obliged to intervene in the internal affairs of the "derailed" country to reorder it, restoring the rights and patrimony of his citizens and companies.


The Roosevelt Corollary, issued in 1904, was a revision to what earlier statement of U.S foreign policy?


The Monroe Doctrine.

This document stated that the U.S had the right to interfere in any matter within the U.S interests; when a European country was involved.

Who founded the Society of Jesus? a. Erasmus
b. Ignatius of Loyola
c. Francis Xavier
d. John Calvin


It was "b. Ignatius of Loyola" who founded the Society of Jesus, since he was the one who was wounded in a battle that resulted in him having visions and converting to Christianity. 

The answer to your question would be B.

Imagine you were a soldier during World War I. How might your beliefs about war have changed because of your experience in the trenches?



a lot of ways


many soldiers get traumatized in war, especially if they are newbies.  their collegues getting killed, people getting injured and stress, and the situations that you are being put into.  you can think that war splits people up and causes people to fight and die.  the noise of bombs can really shake one up as well.

srry if wrong but

hope this helps

take care

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The primary thing that both of these nations did that showed they did not take the new American nation seriously was that they refused to give up land that was required of them in the treaty that was signed after the Revolution. 

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People were willing to take any ideas and anyone who promised a way out of the economical hole they were rapidly falling into. Obviously, they were used for support during genocides and dictatorships, but were too blind to see what their influence was on things like the Holocaust and Stalin's movement

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3rd and Last Option.


They argued that the nation's economic future hindered on gaining new markets abroad. In his view, the United States needed a powerful navy to protect these markets from foreign rivals.